5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter

The Call Reaps a Harvest” An Interview with World Evangelist Caleb Wampler

IHIMTV / In His Image Ministries Episode 31

Caleb’s life has been marked by several supernatural encounters that began in his childhood and continue to this present day. As these encounters have increased, there has been a grace to release impartation of a Kingdom lifestyle into those that are ministered to. The Wampler’s have echoed the prayer of Jesus, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” and are carriers of His Kingdom into the nations of the world. 

Caleb has witnessed incredible miracles and healings and has seen countless lives changed by the power of the Gospel from gas stations, restaurants, and shopping centers to the mission fields of the earth. The Wampler’s minister through the preaching of the Gospel, teaching, and the laying on of hands in Gospel Crusades, conferences, impartation services, house meetings, and churches as the Lord has confirmed His Word through salvations, signs, wonders, healings, and miracles. The Wampler’s currently reside in the Orlando, FL. USA area.

Kingdom Encounters International (calebwampler.com)

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