5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter

Women in 5-Fold Leadership/ Special guest Dr.John Eckhardt Stauron ministries

IHIMTV / In His Image Ministries Episode 32

Special guest Dr. John Eckhardt of Stauron Ministries joins us we discuss the validity of women in 5-fold leadership. We will unfold the dynamics of women apostles, prophets, teachers and evangelists in scripture. You will be encouraged and empowered with clarity of how male and female integration in the Kingdom of God is designed.

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Guest: Dr. John Eckhardt.. http://www.pursuitoftheholy.org/  http://www.stauron.org/

Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com

Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn

Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/

Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)


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