5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter
Connect with us as we delve into the riches of 5-fold truths that unlock and mobilize people to take part in God’s design for His Church. Leaders will learn how to identify, inspire, and integrate 5-fold ministry functions in their teams experiencing maximum growth. With over 30 years of experience, Dr.’s Matt & Amy Carpenter assist individuals, leaders and teams to thrive in their callings.
5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter
The Walk of the Called/ Guest Bishop Don Carpenter
IHIM TV /In His Image Ministries
Episode 47
Interview with Bishop Don Carpenter with 60 years of ministry experience.
We unwrap 2 Peter 1:10 making your calling sure.
Attention: What is this?
Activation: Then what?
Assignment: Doing it.
guest contact: www.doncarpenter.ca
Connect with us today@
Websites: www.ihimtv.com , www.agapeacf.com, www.theleadersforge.com
Social media: LinkedIn: Matt Amy Carpenter - Executive Leadership Strategic Advisors - In His Image Ministries | LinkedIn
Facebook: www.facebook.com/IHIMTV/
Internet TV: Faith United Network. FUN TV - HOME (watchfuntv.com)
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