5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter

Apostles get connected. The power of collaboration in Apostolic leadership

IHIM TV /In His Image Ministries Episode 55

Have you ever wondered how apostles and five-fold ministry leaders stay spiritually charged and interconnected? Join Amy and me as we unravel the critical role of fellowship and mentorship among these pillars of the church. Our enlightening discussion uncovers the perils apostles face when isolated and the rejuvenating power of apostolic networks.  We highlight how spiritual maturity and character development bolster the impact of God's work, proving that true maturity extends beyond age and into the realm ofmantle growth and divine character.

Navigating the waters of ministry leadership requires more than solitary paddling; it demands the synergy of cross-pollination. In our conversation, we reveal the transformative effects of shared anointings, bringing fresh momentum to local churches and apostolic centers. We don't shy away from discussing the hardships faced by apostles—from exhaustion to complex dynamics—and the indispensable value of a supportive apostolic community. This episode serves as a reminder that no ministry is an island and that collective wisdom and encouragement are key to thriving in God's calling.

Step into the flow of active collaboration within God's Kingdom, as we explore the extraordinary ways His timing aligns our paths with others' for greater impact. Discover the importance of leaning into the unique grace of your mantle, weaving together the diverse threads of anointings for a stronger fabric of ministry. As we wrap up, we extend an invitation to foster divine connections, share in the richness of community support, and trust the Master's hand in orchestrating our journeys. Listen in and be inspired to embrace the collective strength and guidance available to leaders in the body of Christ.

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Welcome to 5.0, 5 Foldin' Beyond with Matt and Amy. In the 5.0 podcast, we're going to peel back the layers of the Ephesians 4 model, revealing a thriving church, ministry or organization. This will help leaders to identify, work together, implement or raise up the believers who want to move in their calling.


We also offer seminars, conferences and strategic advising to pastors and leaders. We'll sit down with you and help you to learn how to have a 5 Fold influenced church or organization. I'm also going to show you how to identify and integrate people with 5 Fold giftings into your teams and organization. So connect with us at ihemtvcom.


So get ready to engage, as these podcasts will open an understanding, remove confusion of the 5 Fold and open your eyes and heart to what you and those around you carry.


Hi, welcome to 5.0,. 5 Foldin' Beyond with Amy and Matt. I know we said that backwards.


Uh-huh, let's toss it up a little bit today, huh.


Yeah, we're really glad you joined us today. We've got an interesting conversation to have with you today. It's about apostles called apostles. Get connected. Why do we need to connect? Why does that even look like? Who's we Apostles? I guess I'm speaking because that is part of our mantle, but why would apostles, or really any leader, any 5.0er, need to connect with people? So we want to unpack that a little today.


It's easy for us to connect, as far as a ministry capacity, with those that we are ministering to. We're talking more on a peer level and maybe even a bit above that, even Maybe people that had the power to speak into our life and that cover us as well. So we need to look at that. It's an interesting conversation to have because oftentimes we go through ministry and life without thinking about things like that. We're so busy outpouring and touching lives and wanting to be used by God and see things grow and we forget about that. We're not an island unto ourselves.


And you know as pastors, because we've been in a pastor in position as well, so we understand pastors seem to see the need sometimes or apostles instruct them until pastors not to be by themselves, and so pastors have other pastors locally, maybe on pastoral councils in their city or prayer teams or elders coalitions or different things like that, where pastors often have opportunity locally or on a local level to get together and with apostles. Sometimes that can be a little challenging, just the logistics of it, because you may have a church with a pastor around every corner in your city, but how many apostles do you have in your city or that you know of? How many apostles do you know to link up with? You know, although our world has gotten really small with technology and we can connect with people more than just in person, but let's face it, it's easier to connect with people on a local level than it is to reach out across the country, right?


Right. So apostles will often encourage the pastors that they have fellowship with to be connected to an apostle. But what about apostles? And that's what we're talking about we want to discuss today, because it's easy for apostles to be islands unto themselves. There's no collaboration with other apostles as there is with other five-fold ministries, but often we find apostles and I mean, I I suppose, mature apostles, but we're going to talk about that and address the difference between new, new apostles or young apostles, with the mantle that is, and what maturity means actually but there's no contact, no connectivity within the mantles. And it's important for apostles to get connected with other apostles, and that's what we want to look at in this episode.


We do and I want to just put out a disclaimer there. I want to put out a disclaimer there because we truly believe as well, and you've probably heard us say it in other podcasts before, because I recall talking about it very briefly once. That it's important that we don't just connect with people who are like us, that we do connect with other mantles, with other five-fold. That's really important. However, that's a different podcast. No we're not talking. Well, it's a different episode of this podcast.


That's what you go back into the podcast to find it.


So we're not going to. We're not going to talk about that, although please understand that when we're talking about, apostles need to connect with apostles. We're not being exclusive here. This is just the topic that we're talking about, right now.


Yeah, we're talking about apostles right now, and the rest of us? It's great for you to learn and understand, because the same principle can be applied to any of the five point. Ohs right, and so an apostle. So here's the thing. Where I'm coming from. Tell us.


A lot of times sometimes a fresh mantle is needed to come amongst you and that fresh mantle is to leave an impartation.


So say, you have a network going on, maybe even as a network of apostles or a network, which is awesome so we can open it up even to that degree, or a network that's an organization, ministerial denomination, whatever it may be.


When you bring someone without, from without side of your circle, they're going to bring a freshness up in their mantles. And I'm talking about a mature apostle coming among you and dropping or imparting something that that will put place an infusion into your network or it's, or ministerial, whatever you want to call it, or into your life, and it's vital. So there I'm talking to a whole group at the same time, but the same principle applies to an apostle that's off to by themselves and they, they need that connectivity. So I think it's amazing how strong brotherhood these four towers are A group, of network, group, a person. You're becoming something. You're becoming what God is building in you. You're accomplishing a work and this new infusion comes in and what that does is it helps complete the picture of the thing that you're trying to complete. So it's not competing, it's actually Contributing to that thing that you're trying to accomplish as an apostle?


most definitely, and you know, just to speak a little bit from our Experience, several years ago when we were younger, in our apostolic mantle Mm-hmm, we we were at a real transition point in our ministry and even how we were structuring our local house as an Apostolic Center and Moving in that direction and we kind of were spinning our wheels a little and at the time we connected with we did connect with an elders coalition with other apostles and prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers in our state.


so on a business marketplace.


Yes, that was also marketplace Fifold ministries. So we were connecting with them and it was at one of those meetings that just it seems so random. But someone just came up to talk to us, actually on a break, and I don't know. They were just sharing something. The Lord was speaking to them as an apostle and they, they just started to talk about stuff and I think even drew a little diagram on our nap.


There's an order of process.


Yeah, and that he drew and it was like, that was the key that we needed. To propel us to open up the whole next, next step in our process, and I think it was even later. That same year we ended up going to an Apostolic network conference down in Texas.


So we even took it beyond just our local state level to actually a worldwide Apostolic convention and I went there and I tell you, just getting the freshness of what God is speaking and doing, I mean, are they any better? Or is there calling any more valid than ours? No, but by Connecting like that, it was really life transforming for us at that time. We needed that so much to how those other voices and and other mantles just speak into us right flowing around you and it was it Definitely and the things that you've been wrestling with or trying to figure out or trying to Adjusts became clearer.


There was clarification because that, that anointing on that particular ones mental, when it came in contact with you, deposited something that radically Propelled you in yours. I mean, that's how the kingdom works. So Apostles really are coming to light. We're still learning about what it is to be an apostle as far as maturity and working out, because there's such a wide expression and manifestation of them and we've talked I'll talk about them a little bit, but we there's, there's, you can't compare one with another, just like pastors, you can't compare a pastor with another pastor. There's different gifts and different things and we're learning the same in the realm the apostolic, and a lot of Apostles, probably the, they came out of an An evangelist background or a pastoral background and their mantle Matured and they began to become accepted as apostles and we went under other names like bishops and overseers and whatever, but at that time, and so a lot of sometimes mindsets from that other Place that we operated and came in with the development of our apostolic mantle and that's why it was easy for those that, oh, they were great in their pastoral elements or whatever it was and they were Pioneer and they, they were like a bulldog on a pant leg when they go and they bite sheer determination and in God's faith and vision and all that kind of stuff, they were able to accomplish things. When it came into the apostolic, what happened was it became like the pinnacle of things and we still had to self produce and we, we lost that whole Idea of connecting with others. Right, that can continue to speak into us, because we have this idea that when you're an apostle, you should have all the answers, you should be able to do everything that needs to be done, because a lot of Apostles I know are highly, highly. A lot of them are educated, a lot of them have high skills and they can do a lot of various and different things. And so those are wonderful, those are amazing. Oh, definitely right, I mean blood, tears, sweat and whatever transformation of holy ghost got us there. But then sometimes we rely on it subconsciously, without understanding that we're being driven into a corner to be the one that has to answer everything.


So, like every mantle on the 5.0 guys, when we talk about maturity, it does not equate to our natural age, right, right. So when we're talking about mature mantle or mature ministry or 5.0, whatever that is that you carry on your life. We're talking about something that came out of experience, came with wisdom. Christ's likeness was developed in you, the characters developed in you, and the grace to do it is on your mantle. Over time it increases and that's how we know that we mature in our mantle, that we carry. So when we say a young apostle, you could be 60 years old and it just suddenly started flourishing in your life, right, hopefully, peers saw that, apostles saw that and prophets and began to confirm that and say this is what's on your life. You're young you are young in the apostolic and a lot of mindsets and a lot of things have to still happen because we're always growing and never coming to an end. Is this making sense to what I'm saying?


I think it's making sense, but hopefully our listeners think it's making sense yeah so, yeah, so maturity it's like yeah and you know, maturity also doesn't equate with the fact that we don't need someone else.


So, for example, you know, you're that teenager growing up and you're like I can't wait to be on my own, I don't have to listen to my parents anymore, right? In other words, the teenager has, you know, a mentality that when I grow up, I'm my own person, I can do my own thing, I don't have to listen to anyone else, I don't have to. You know, it's all about what I want. You know that teenager mentality. If you've had a teenager, you understand what I'm saying. And sometimes we kind of think that once we're an adult, we're supposed to have it all together and we're supposed to, you know, be able to do it on our own and to a sense, yes, we have those skills that you said you have developed.


You have the ability.


And a lot of ways.


And so in a lot of ways, yes, you are able to function very well in your own right, so we're not questioning that. But it's understanding that that's not always why I need someone else, because I can't handle it Although, yes, sometimes we can't handle it we do need someone else. But essentially, sometimes it's not because I can't handle it, it's just because I need to be like, like you said earlier, we were revitalized. I need to just have more passion in what I do. It's not that I need to be exposed to other apostles so I can be like them.




I need to be exposed so that I can just be recharged. But that connection is like plugging into a link that brings you that infusion of greater power. And, yes, sometimes, and a lot of times, you do learn stuff from them. Again, you don't have to be like other apostles, but when you learn something there are different things that we see in operation. I know, like, as we're pastoring or leading a local body, whenever we travel out in minister, we see how other bodies are doing it, other local houses, other apostolic centers, and we're like, oh, I like that, let's incorporate that. And we're always just getting fresh ideas and just this freshness so that we don't become stale.


So it's not ourselves, or even spiritual inbreeding, so this is not an insult to your intelligence or your maturity as an apostle when we say you need to be connected. This is just something that's going to keep infusing that fresh breath of air.


I remember just to add on to that, we don't have to go into it too much but I remember a pastor saying that he didn't want us to come in because he knew we were apostles. But he had an apostle already over his house and it was like yeah, but I'm not coming to be your apostle. I'm coming to bring what my apostolic mantle carries and impart some things, but I'm not there to be your apostle. Does that you?


know what I'm saying and that became a hindrance and at the time could have got what he was looking for. Not to to our own horn, but I'm just saying like the opportunity was cut off because of a fear and a lack of understanding of the apostles places. Well, clear it with your apostle. And you know there's all kinds of different avenues that we could have went you know every apostolic connection that you have, doesn't?


they don't have to become your covering. Yes, as apostles, we need coverings. Again, that's just another episode that we've already talked about. So yes, every 5.0 person is a covering.


But that's not the only reason that we connect. We need to connect on peer levels too, and just to having those times of linking arms together, maybe even for common goals, we have actually to use an example from an evangelist. We have an evangelist friend who is so powerful and is mantle in his call, Evangelist Alejandro Arias. Shout out to you, bro, we just love what he's doing and God has opened so many doors for him in the past year to link arms with other evangelists through an organization and go into nations around the world and just you know, it's like the one can put a thousand of flight to 10,000 and they're going not as individual evangelists.


No, the next one is 10 world evangelists in one crusade.


They are going as a unit linking arms as peers and just seeing the power of God, multiplied and amazing.


These nations are being shaken for the kingdom of God.


I mean, what an example of coming together and connecting.


So back to apostles just like any of the 5.0, right, every apostle carries a different expression of anointing. That's in their mantle, that's upon their life, right, and so it produces different outcomes. In the kingdom of God there's something different, there's a different flavor and a different taste, and that's what we're talking about. So, for example, there's strategic apostles that's where, like that, there's ambassadorial apostles, there's church planting apostles, there's mission minded apostles, and I can go on and on and on. So there's different variants, right.


And so when that, when that one apostle comes among you, or if you're an apostle and you're connecting with another apostle, you don't connect with one, that's just like you, they're going to bring something to the table that causes a difference, anointing and fragrance to be released in the place, in your territory, in your realm, and what you are covering and what you are responsible for. It's just like coming alongside and fusing that and moving on. There's just something about that that begins to change what we're already doing. It just takes it to a whole other level, like it's like every joint supplies, again, here we're talking about. And so it's a tendency for some apostles, especially younger in their apostolic mantle, not to understand. They understand that capacity of two puts 10,000. They may preach it, but in results and application they're actually not connecting to do that Right.


Because the spirit of a spirit of competition that comes in and we've seen that so much in the church with leaders, it's this really.


it's fed by either insecurity or ego or pride, yeah, ego, and so you've got these things that are boring, that make us feel like it is a competition. Well, what if they come in and people like them better? I mean, Paul dealt with that. We read about that in 1 Corinthians, chapter three, verses four to 10. Do you want me to read it or Go ahead? He says for when one says I am of Paul and another I am of Apollos, are you not mere men? So they had this kind of situation, you know happening, where people say oh, I follow Apostle Matt Carpenter, you know, I'm one of his followers, and it became this almost competitive warring type of thing that people were trying to put in there and Paul's like listen, what then is Apollos? What is Paul Servants For whom you believed, you know, just because we brought you to Lord, we were just vessels, tools, servants of God that brought you to the place you're at now.


Lord gave opportunity to each one. I planted and Apollos watered, but God is causing the growth.


So then, neither one who plants nor the one who waters is anything but God, who causes the growth.


Now, he who plants and he who waters are one, but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.


For we're God's fellow workers. You are God's field, god's building. According to the grace of God, which was given to me like a wise master builder, I laid a foundation and another is building on it, but each man must be careful how he builds on it.


So here you go. So if you have an apostle that comes alongside another apostle and you come into their sphere of influence, into their territory, region, city, whatever it is, or ministry, that one that's coming in has to be careful, because they are building on the foundation the other apostle has laid down and after you deposit your peace and you leave, that apostle takes that and now is taking materials and building on that again to accomplish what God has shown him and given him, to be a steward of Hope. That hope, this is very clear and making sense. Lord, let a spirit, revelation, knowledge come on the listener that they can get this and understand this, and it just stirs something within them. So right.


So, in essence, as an apostle, to get that mindset of restricting the people whom you have charged over, whom you speak, into restricting their access to other apostolic ministries because of your own insecurities or pride. This is my group, this is my network. Okay, now we're talking the language.


Right now we're talking the language my network. These are my ministers, these are my network only talks to my network. They're the only ones that preach at the conferences, or my denomination or whatever lingo that we're using today.


Cross pollination brings a powerful spiritual supernatural anointing into that organization. Guarantee, every single time we had great moves in the local church and an apostolic center here in Maine. When I bring, when we bring in other apostles, we bring in prophets, teachers, we got them, we have them all. We bring in apostles that come in they're different than what we carry, and when they deposit and we give them the freedom to minister and flow, wow, does it take it to the next level. What it's doing. It's almost like a rapids that shoots a canoe. After the canoe went through some dead water, just floating. We're still going down the stream, we're still afloat, awesome stuff is happening and you hit that next stream of rapids and it shoots you all down through it and it gets you just to move. That's how I see apostles who work with apostles. I see that that's what's happening. Is they're that rapid that needs to be placed in that place, because what they carry is perfect for where the ship or the boat is going, right at that time, right.


Yeah, so it's like apostle. We need to get over ourselves sometimes.


Yeah, we're not the end all. We're not the end all.


Let's get over ourselves, because we're just a vessel like any other five-fold minister. We are a vessel that God uses, but it's God's work, it's his church, it's his ministry, it's his network and we've got to stop laying claim to it. And yeah, I know it's tough, no-transcript, we just had to speak it out.


So let's face it, we're not the end all and we're not the only apostle. So some things out with. Let's talk about some things. They fall into our laps, right, and we're not equipped to deal with it.


It's true.


Sometimes some things just come into our life and and we're just not equipped to deal with it and so if we're so introverted, then we're gonna find it's gonna be very problematic and probably destructive, because we have never made time to have the proper relationships with a mature apostle in which that we can reach out to Personally, right it's. It's as we said before, we have more talk about it. Anyway, it's not a sign that you're a failing, weak apostle or something we're talking about. So some things happen. So sometimes we get entangled as apostles. We get entangled Back into things like what that means is like weariness.


We're back into a situation where we have to handle some things because, because we are the apostle and we were weary, it can involve relationships that are tricky. We could have help, personal health issues and we or we could have no grace in what we just picked up. So being responsible and picking something up are two different things. We need to quickly see if we can delegate that or if we can build health around that and get it implemented with a new team. Whatever that issue is, sometimes we find ourselves in that that we're unable to resolve that situation.


And so if we have healthy relationships with mature, tested apostles, okay, who have proven themselves, then that is a place of safety and even and we'll know, our spirit will bear witness with their spirit that this is the thing of the Lord, and there's a combination that needs to take place and they Impart or deposit that piece that's needed, whether it's with you as a leader, with your team of Leaders in your church or ministry, and or speaking and bringing something to the whole congregation. I think all three Brings great validation to what is spoken over a house. Personally, this here is like, all of a sudden, there's just this Lifting in the spirit and all that weariness, all that stuff disappears because what happened is it's like the her who came and Lifted up the hand in that moment. Was Moses a bad leader because of it?


No, definitely not you try lifting and holding your hands all day while Narnia's fighting and that same time you have to be strategic and make sure your generals know what in the world that you're talking about. Right, so you're not failing as an apostle by taking on that. But taking on too much out of a sense of responsibility Can do, can hurt you, and so you're not failing because you're reaching out. But what else we got going on here?


you know, again, we're talking about you know it's important to have a covering that can help you during these times and speak into you. But we're not just talking about your covering. We're talking about peers who can come alongside of each other. I mean, we've had calls in the past year from peers, other apostles. They were dealing with some health issues and just some different things and and different things, the crises that was happening in their church, and we just came alongside and encouraged not that we know more than they do or that, it's just we had that fresh Outside look and we could just come along and just encourage them and tell them you're gonna make it, it's gonna be okay, let's sit here and brainstorm and we all came up with ideas together. You know it's not about being better or smarter or more mature than the other one.


That's right.


It's about let's walk together and work together as co laborers of Christ.


So here's another issue if you're an apostle, that's covering a worker, a ministry okay, and you must you have to step in to address some things. I you have to resituate something or establish something. You need to have solutions and sometimes we just run into a wall, and that is where connection to other apostles will benefit you. And we talked about it. You're not a bad guy, you're just man. Why wouldn't you want to connect and reach out and pull on the mantle of someone else? Like I said, it's layer on layer, precept on precept.


I'll tell you why. I'll tell you one of the reasons here Because, as apostles, we establishing that's an earmark of Apostolic ministry. They establish, whether it's planting churches, establishing ministries or Systems, processes establishing schools.


Prodigies schools Sons, daughters.


Yeah, so when you birth something like that and you get it established and you see it get off the ground, like sometimes there's this subtle feeling of ownership or even territorial mentality that can arise and we have to be really careful of that Because, remember, it's not ours.


Come on, apostle.


It's God's, because those type of mentalities that this is my baby thing can actually harm the very thing that we're covering and trying to protect and trying to tend or heal or whatever take care of it. So we have to deal with that mindset, to be open to other mature apostles, helping or contributing to solutions in order to let that thing heal or get it back. Because we know, you know, if you're an apostle and you've established things you've planted churches or established ministries or people or things that they go through rocky roads sometimes.


Sure exactly, and sometimes you have to find yourself stepping back in and taking the reins of that that you'd let go of and delegated and you find yourself having to kind of step back in again, and that happens.


Yes, yes, it does.


But we can't be the death of it because we step out of our grace. We have to let other mature ministries come along Doesn't mean that we totally pass it off, but it means that we're just open.


And these mature ministries have the same mindset of kingdom building. They understand that it's not a personal kingdom, that it's God's kingdom. So they are contributing with a servant's heart, with a father's heart. They're contributing with the benefit of. We don't even have a dog in this or a chicken in the race. It depends where you're from. We don't even have a dog in the race here. They're just coming alongside because it benefits the kingdom of God and these people, and especially if it's a local church or ministry to fulfill the mandate and the mission of why it exists in that community in the first place. And not that we have to help, not that we make that happen, but we add our peace, because the responsibility is over the apostle that has been called to that area and to that place. So it doesn't hurt to have other apostles coming in. They're not taking over or shouldn't. But here's the valid point because, yeah, there are those.


Yes, there are. Let's face it Wolfen, sheep's clothing.


There are those out there call themselves apostles who will just come in and take over.


They have motives that are not pure of hearts and it's really. That's why it's about building relationships. It's gotta be about building a relationship and so that before you even get to that place of needing someone like this, just go network and I know that's like an overused word but go to some conferences, connect, ask people, ask us we know some amazing apostles out there. Just connect with people and start to build relationships, See where their heart is. We've connected with some people and after a while the heart's revealed and we're like okay, we're gonna step back from that one, but we've connected with others and they've just been phenomenal to strengthen and encourage us and it's a reciprocating relationship.


And I wanna say this to pastors and to apostles If you're apostles and you're in a local house, don't be fearful when a ministry comes to visit and they're coming among you just to visit. Maybe they got family members that go to that church and you find out they have a ministry and what it is. Please do not be, don't ignore them. If they're in your area for a week, take them out to lunch, find out who they are. That's how God connects and brings people across your path. And it's like, yeah, cause so many times we've walked into churches in some places and we don't start passing out our cards and making who we are, but they find out who we are before they leave. But there's never a maneuver on their part to hey, let's get together, or let's just see what God is speaking to you.


What? God is doing in another part of our country.


And you go. Well, why don't you invite them? Because I'm the one that's visiting it's not in my area or whatever and I come in. If God is doing something in their heart, they will pick up on it in the spirit and say, hey, maybe this connection might be something that's God putting together. And it's so much easier to collaborate and work with other ministries and other apostles who are already searching and seeking that you don't have to talk into anything.


I find if I have to talk somebody into something, I'm dragging an anchor the whole time to get it done. So I find that when someone is willing and their heart has been prepared by the Holy Spirit before I ever showed up, that by the time I came on the scene because God did a work in me and brought me to the scene wow, there's this witness in the spirit and my inner man begins to leap, it gets quickened, saying this is something. God is up to something and I tell you I clear schedules of it. I do everything I can to be able to have a personal time to sit down and figure out who this person is, find out what's going on, and then we'll know at the end of the day, because it does take effort, we know Every apostle out there, you are busy.


You're not just sitting around twiddling your thumbs waiting for someone to call you. You are actively involved in the kingdom of God and it's just being able to recognize when God is bringing these opportunities, these people in your midst, or wanting to connect something, or being intentional to go to that conference so that you can connect and then just letting the Lord lead you. It does take effort, it takes investment, but it's so worth it it really is.


What took you a year can only take God a day and a week to whatever to accomplish and just put it together Like we've been striving. You know it's nothing to prove to God. Let the grace on your mantle carry the day. So, lord, just help apostles today, whether they're young or mature. Lord, god, not to get in it I told you so.


Attitude or I got to correct everything that's wrong in the body of Christ. Attitude or I know it all, or whatever it may be that, lord God, there is this thing that we don't put it, this weight upon us that we ought not to carry. But, lord God, that we walk in the grace that's in our mantle and understand that there's a sweet anointing that's there and when it is mixed with other mantles. God, you are creating something beautiful. I thank you, lord, for every servant of God who answered the call and is moving with sincere hearts and fiery spirits and wanting to fulfill that which you put in their life. That every five point over here today. That's listening.


God will be energized and know that they're not alone. And, lord, god, that does plans and things that they're looking at might look like hieroglyphics, but, god, that you bring clarity, and I pray, above all, that you bring someone into their life, mature ministry into their life that's able to deposit something. Do you say, lord, that the steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord? Lord, we know the apostle steps are ordered and I pray, god, that they will understand and just be comforted that there is a company of apostles, there's a company of five point hours that God is putting together for collaboration in this hour on the earth today. In Jesus' name, I pray, speak, blessing upon them. In Jesus' name, amen, amen sings you.