5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter

Weathering the Storm: The Divine Intersection of Faith and Meteorology /Guest Ron Moore Jr

IHIM TV /In His Image Ministries Episode 58

Have you ever pondered the intriguing harmony between science and faith? Ron Moore Jr. brings that fascinating fusion to life, sharing how his spiritual journey and expertise in meteorology intertwine. His narrative takes us from the sun-drenched climes of Florida to the snow-draped landscapes of New Hampshire, opening up about the trials he's faced, including a harrowing health crisis for his wife, while heeding a divine call to lead and establish a church. Ron's tale is one of unwavering faith and the pursuit of a higher calling, which he believes is not just a tale of personal growth but a universal lesson in resilience and trust in the unseen.

Imagine being eye-to-eye with the most tempestuous weather, feeling in your bones that there's a message carried on the winds. Ron, a seasoned storm chaser, regales us with his tales of close encounters with nature's fury, from tornadoes to hurricanes. His experiences are not just an adrenaline rush but a pursuit of the voice of God amidst the chaos, demonstrating an extraordinary blend of meteorological knowledge, historical heritage, and spiritual insight. His unique perspective is a testament to the fact that the quest for understanding can be as thrilling as the most ferocious storm.

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Welcome to 5.0, 5-fold and beyond. With Matt and Amy In the 5.0 podcast, we're going to peel back the layers of the Ephesians 4 model, revealing a thriving church ministry organization. This will help leaders to identify, work together, implement or raise up the believers who want to move in their calling.


We also offer seminars, conferences and strategic advising to pastors and leaders. We'll sit down with you and help you to learn how to have a 5-fold influenced church or organization. I'm also going to show you how to identify and integrate people with 5-fold giftings into your teams and into your organization. So connect with us at ihemtvcom. That's i-h-i-m-t-vcom.


So get ready to engage, as these podcasts will open an understanding, remove confusion of the 5-fold and open your eyes and heart to what you and those around you carry Well. Welcome to this podcast. It's great to have you.


This is Matt and Amy and we are joined today by a good friend, a guest today. It's going to be an awesome interview and we welcome them. We are actually seeing a different background than what we normally have. That's because we are at Merrimack, New Hampshire, on location, and this is Ron Moore Jr. Yeah, all the way from, originally from Florida or so, but he's been in.




Hampshire for a while doing the Call of God on his life and we're going to open his life up and he has a powerful message and we love talking to him. He's a type of guy that when you talk to him he gets you all on fire. So we are not going to be holding him back on this podcast. Some things may be controversial and may get you mad or glad, but, like I always say, go study it out for yourself, and I love having discussions with him. So we thought we got, we're in the area, we've got to connect with this guy and let what God's put in his heart get out to the media, to those of you five point o'ers and others who are joining us, who are always following, and I know this will be an encouraging podcast interview. So welcome, ron.


Thank you, good to be here. Welcome to Merrimack. Yeah, the lake behind us is Natacook Lake. It's a pretty famous one for Southern New Hampshire and everything, so we got here a number of years ago and God bless us with it. It's a great location, as you can see. Just kind of meditate and look out over the water and watch the snow. That was a big deal up here because you can't get in the backyard in the snowstorm, so here you can just watch it. Come down and sip your latte.


Nice, I'm totally in for that.


There's the controversial.


That's it.


Amy's going there for a party there. I was with you when he said the latte, but you moved off.


She's my wife's a latte person, so yeah, yeah, it's good to have you guys here.


Yeah, tell us a little about yourself.


Okay. So we moved up here from Florida North Florida 20 years ago to start this church church at the intersection here in Merrimack and we've been going solid and steady. It's still going. We left Tallahassee where I was studying meteorology. Then I got a Masters in Climatology, so I'm a weather science guy Before that. So we were there several years with a church plant called Cornerstone. That went really well.


Before that we were in Tampa in the inner city, and before that me and my wife grew up. She grew up in Florida, I grew up in West Texas. So I'm kind of going backward in time and kind of the reason I'm doing this because we both grew up around Christian circles where God was heavily emphasized. The Bible was very emphasized In my life the prophetic was also emphasized too. So how many people out there have a lot of exposure to that? But that's going to kind of take us, even when we get into the weather stuff here in a little bit. So then we raced back forward.


When I went back to Florida State, I left the inner city of Tampa. God told me we had a church in inner city Tampa. He said it's time for you to go back to school. I went back in my mid-30s Again, I got my bachelor's in meteorology, got my Masters in Climatology, made some great connections, studied hurricane climatology, loved it. Then God said, okay, I was going to go work for possibly the Weather Channel or FEMA, or just stay at Florida State and be a professor. Pastor, god said no, don't do any of those. Head to New Hampshire.


Wow, isn't God good.


Isn't God good? Thank God.


It was crazy In the short version of that is I call my wife, say this is really awesome. She goes that's awesome, my thumb hurts. And I said, okay, see, your thumb hurts. That became a journey of six months. She had a viral disease that no one had ever heard of. They had London doctors. We had great health care there at Florida State because she worked there. They come in and before long her whole body's numb and she's taking painkillers and they said she's going to have to be on disability the rest of her life and may have to take her left arm. And we're leaving to New Hampshire in two months.


So we said no we prayed about it, coincidence, I think not.


And we said you know what are we doing? She said we have to make the move. Well, she more likes it. I'm not making fun of her. She's like oh, how should we make the move?


Because she's percussing everything else. Oh, he's taking her, she's on.


So, anyhow, god said get up there, and you know I'm going to take care of things. We are two sons, one was 10. The other 15. We decided as a family. We said let's go do it. We got here and within three weeks she was totally healed. You guys know her. She's, in fact, right. She's doing her accounting and taxes as tax season. So she's down there doing the 10 key with her left arm, the one they said would never work.


Wow, Praise God. So it was a confirmation.


So anyhow that brought us up here. We've been here 20 years and it's been an interesting road, probably like everybody else, but we've ended up in obviously a good place here. But some of the transitions and you and I have talked about this stuff has been in the world of weather, what God has begun to do which is so unique?


because, to be honest with you, we know a lot of pastors, a lot of ministers, prophets. None of them have this weather connection and for those of you who are listening or watching, you are a storm chaser, a storm chaser a storm chaser, not, not just in the spirit, although I believe there's a big connection there is a literal storm chaser a lot of shadow. So this is such a unique connection even with, not just as a pastor, but with the prophetic and weather meteorology. So let's, let's talk a little bit, let's go there.


So both storms and your storm chasing can. Yeah, the storm came, let's start with, maybe both your family.


Yeah, so I'll do a little history on that and I can talk it quick. As they probably said wow, we got to slow this thing down. Anyhow, I grew up in West Texas, 1981. I chased my first tornado. I had my driver's license for a week and one developed out by Andrews. We lived in Midland. If you live in West Texas you kind of know what that is. So I drove out there, saw the storm, the hail and everything and I loved it and I never stopped. So that's been 43 years of great 40s. I've been 43. Oh my gosh, I guess 43 years ago I chased my first storm chase 20 since then and at hurricanes in 2000. And then when I moved to the northeast, I started chasing blizzards and the lake effects, nose and stuff.


I was in the Buffalo Blizzard a year and a half 77 inches and 24 hours.


Wow, the heaviest snows, one of the heaviest they're still trying to document, maybe the heaviest 24 hours snow ever recorded in North America. It just buried everything.


It was so cool. So when you say you have a house, for those of you who are listening can't see the view out this window, that is not green screen, that is real. And when you say you wanted a house that you could watch the snow, like he literally wants to watch the snow, exactly. And you know when I remember a couple years back we were trying to. For those who know our story, we were trying to escape Hurricane Ida in New Orleans and you were actually going to.


I just posted something back to my family, you like just passed us, that's it.


And we talked to him and he was two miles away sitting in the underpass. We wanted to get out and he wanted to stay.


I just posted video that the family just went. So here's Hurricane Ida, me and Josh, and there's like pine trees falling on the interstate, on us and we're going to dodge them and they're crashing behind the tree. You know, it's so fun. Let's just power lines zapping around you.


Water surging under your vehicle. You say is that still floating? Are we floating or the tires on the road? But so funny thing is we've been in numerous hurricanes. I think I've been in 18 hurricanes now. Hundreds of tornadoes, lots of them, the famous ones, moore, joplin, all this other stuff, moore, yeah, moore. Oklahoma, yeah, the big one there.


And Moore, she had namesake.


Over the last few years. So it was very science, very much science in FSU. When I went there I learned all the science of meteorology, Kind of knew it anyhow. But now I learned to really hone that in and train work with FEMA, some down there evacuation processes. Then my master's really focused on hurricanes. We did some work with the Department of Defense, actually digitizing atlas is building hurricanes.


So my point is I say every hurricane track from 1800 to present to see where these storms went, what they did and everything else. Well, because of my Christian background, ministry, everything else the prophetic you know my dad moves in prophetic I thought it'd be kind of cool to kind of mix it, the two or three or four, whatever they are. Over time, and especially the last few years, that became really interesting. It kind of takes us to where I got this point. So what I've done, I've had a massive collection of weather stuff. That's the nerd part of me that loves weather. So I don't like just reading what people have to say happen, I like to read what they wrote about it in 1900 or 1850 or 1780. What do the people back then have to say about what they saw? What were their illustrations Right? So I begin to buy up stuff, so I've got a massive collection now.


It's probably about 3000 pieces of weather data, articles, pictures, photos dating back 300 years I brought this for show and tell because this here I've shown this to you earlier, amy this is the original American Journal of Science. This one right here, I think, is the only copy of this intact. I know those pieces that are shredded, torn up and ripped out. They tear them apart and sell them in parts, but this one here, this is the first hurricane map ever made in the United States. It's one of the hurricanes of the early 1800s, an actual map. Amy said well, that's really cool for show and tell. Well, because to me this is a starting point of reading what really happened with it we're talking about back then, and I will use that in conjunction with the computer models and stuff that I study today. And then the third component. You may think I should first pray. Well, sorry, it's usually the third thing. I go through all my science stuff and I say God, show me what I'm looking at here, right?


What am I looking at that I'm seeing and what is really real, what are the models? So I'll give you an instance. I can't remember the year it was. Hurricane Matthew had just destroyed. Oh, hurricane Matthew was coming.


I'm familiar with that one Exactly All the time. Well, raging, raging.


So he was going to the coast. I had a lot of Florida friends and they said you know, this cat five is going to hit the coast. I'm looking and I'm looking at all the models have it hitting the coast. So I'm getting everything ready to travel down there and spirits keep telling me says it's not going to happen, it will not hit the coast, it's gonna be bad, it's gonna be a storm surge, but it's not going to hit the way you think it is and you, Ron, don't need to be there in the middle of all that mess anyhow. And I'm like this is me. I chase everything. I just chase because it comes on. I know it's going to be there and I have time I can, and I said okay. So we decided not to. I called all my pastor friends, business people in Florida said do not evacuate Now. This is everybody's clearing out the line.


That's pretty bold statement. Like you got. No, you heard from God it really is.


And it was the first one where I really made that statement and I told them all again. I don't remember all the conversations, but I told everybody said just stay put. Yeah, of course, make sure you have your water, your food, your power. Your power is going to go out. You're going to lose that, but you're not going to get 200 mile an hour winds. Your winds are probably gonna be 70 or 80.


So I remember going through the details with them and here's where it got really funny. There was one computer, computer model and it varies between each storm God began to show me, said that's the track it's going to take. And so this computer model pulled it out, got hold of some of my weather buddies which I'll bring in in just a second, and they said, yeah, that was not that reliable. And I said, but this is the one I'm getting. So I actually just took a snapshot and sent that to my friends who don't know anything about it. That's the track I see things going to take. It did the exact track. I'll say this, maybe something to this right. So I got to hold my dad who moves and he goes yeah, I don't know, you know because he's not into weather, yeah that's what I begin to realize real quick.


If you're talking to people who aren't in that zone, they may be into prophetic or whatever, or Bible, but if they're not in that area it's really hard for them to jump tracks.


So that's the thing those of you that have been listening to our podcast and following us is the uniqueness of giftings and nointings and callings on someone's life, like it's not cookie cutter in the kingdom and we teach that and in this podcast it's part of that, and so that's what's so unique. Yeah, pardon the pun of this, of this particular podcast, because you're not common. There are not many who are in this. You know. You see different callings and there's a group of them. They're all similar and they all hang out or whatever. But how many times have you ran into someone in ministry who's meteorologist storm chaser, that he is prophetic from God and God uses and speaks things and opens up his mind. His mindset, which we're going to keep opening up, is awesome. When we talk about George Carver and the peanut and all that kind of stuff Like that's still love him.


Oh, I love all that stuff. Just expose me to that the first time. And of course I just went singing often. I just met you for the first time right.


So this podcast, for you guys out there listening might not be a real big weather person, I live on the floor because I don't like the snow. Well, you got hurricanes. We all have something, and God created the world to operate the way it did, like with weather and its storms. It's a type of cleansing, yep, because the earth is building up static energy and doing whatever, and it's a cleansing whether we like it or not. Right? Oh, this preach is more interconnected.


Yeah, it's more interconnected than we realize sometimes and that's what you're bringing out today and especially with the prophetic realm.


So there's storms in their lives and storms and you know and most people don't realize.


So I told my wife, who's an accountant. She said you're just so lucky because I hear there's all. This weather is in every book of the Bible. Ruth left because of a famine. Okay, all across the Bible. There it's floods, famines, tornadoes, joe, I was telling you earlier, job 371, he taught, god spoke to Job out of out of a whirlwind. Elijah's taken up in a whirlwind.


There's all over the place in Scripture.


So I began to look at this stuff and I said, well, maybe what if it's not all just physics? What if there's something that God wants to say through these areas?


So that started six years ago, when I went storm chasing.


I told our church I'm going to go storm chasing and I'm going to hear God talk out of the whirlwind.


So there were different places.


I like that.


It was funny with the family because you said the boys went with us chasing most of their life. They're grown married now, so they don't. Now I think Josh does something. Texas he gets to go. In fact he goes without me sometimes, but it was a family thing. We did it. I used to tell people, the family, the family that prays together, stays together, but the family that plays together also stays together. We were in those hotels, we were out in the middle of the Great Plains. We go to forts, but those events for me we're speaking and it was God, I believe, trying to bring me to a different level and, as I begin to, at times with storm chasing, we have thousands of people watching. But then we got into the hurricane chasing really big in a hurricane Laura and Lake Charles five years ago I guess it was. We were right in the middle of that thing. We had, we had, we were on Facebook live. We had 20, some million people watching it.


So, somebody, a friend of mine, told me for that 24 hour period we were the most watched social media point anywhere in the planet.


What's your, what's your page? Because it's something okay. Someone wants to get online.


It's on Facebook. It's the storm warning. The storm warning, facebook is our main presence right now and up there we'll update as we move into other you know venues and do more things outside of that, but that's where and you may have to Google it because they changed all the algorithms on these things Even the people who know the stuff you use that If you just go to Facebook, we're hard to find and I think it's because of the BSA. People tried to jack on my name, jump on it, you know, and get some hits and stuff. I don't know all that stuff, I just know people fall and they still do. But yeah, we hit the stuff. That's good. Yeah, it was, it was really good. So the tornadoes were one thing. It was really cool. I'm trying to think about the next, because I can go off the place with exciting stuff. Probably the biggest thing that had an impact on me was last year. Was which year was 2023. Yes, yes, exactly September.


It was a hurricane I tell you it's the northwest coast of Florida. So here's the scenario and there's a little bit to tell. Here I'm watching the storm come together. The pattern looks good for a hurricane. Little blob of clouds gets going in the western Caribbean and everybody's kind of like, yeah, this could become a hurricane. Blah, blah, blah. Saturday night still developing. Sunday morning I get in the pulpit and God told me, then said it's going to go to a hurricane and it's going to go to a category three or four Maybe, said four, but we'll say three or four. And I told the folks that live and I said so I'll be leaving after church to head down to Florida to see it. At that time it's barely a tropical storm. Okay, so I call my weather buddies after church. They say that it's not going to go that strong, or sorry, you said that publicly in church.


He said there's no way.


I said I know I understand the time of the year and everything in that part of the Northeast Gulf it didn't go that strong. And so I said but I know what God showed me. So I had everything loaded for him. Monday I took off. My wife had already flown down. She was in Florida visiting family for a reason. So here I drive into the farm two days later and everybody's like what are you doing here? My sister laws are freaking out because I used to be. The show was if the more family showed up for 20 years or hurricanes, everybody was going to get leveled. Yeah, in the place we used to go to the libraries, I can dodge city today. They knew me. Every year I bought the weather service. It's a oh my God, what are you doing here? I'm just passing through. I'm like Jim Cantori with the weather channel. You know if you're here it must be getting ready to get bad.


No, no, we're gonna be 100 miles west of here.


Oh, you know. So, anyhow, I drove down, josh drove out to meet me and the reason I'm there. Here's another part. God said I need you on the ground in Florida. I need you down there in this hurricane. That's kind of crazy.


So this is how it's evolved over the years with me. It used to be in the beginning. God said, yeah, just chasing. And God started saying, no, if I tell you don't go, don't go after it. Or he would even say I need you to pray against that. I don't think I added to that in yet God would say I need you to pray against that weather. I don't need this to happen. This doesn't have a right to take place.


So I would tell our prayer team in our church and spread it with people and he began to pray and, sure enough, it was going to be a big tornado out High risk day. Nothing would happen, hardly.


And we pray now. The Lord loves to have participation with his people. He really does.


And nobody ever believed it did this and this has been a struggle to get people, even my own family, to get people to believe it in the church and they're like, because I've seen people all my life say we're just praying against this hurricane, I said, well, I've seen your prayer so far, with other things I'm not too. The hurricane is probably going to hit. It's mean, you know, because our prayers were so sometimes prayers just sometimes prayers have been not good.


They haven't been met the way they should be. But we see definitely a biblical precedent of speaking to the weather and it'll be with Jesus, with Elijah. So this is not, you're not talking off the.


No, but what he's saying and I believe it let's talk about prayer for a second that sometimes prayer becomes sloppy and we just use it because it's a thing our go to, that we think that we can use, because we're uncomfortable of something.


You nailed it. You exactly nailed it. We don't want to deal with it at a real level. And God says I don't want you to just do that, I need let's spend some time talking about it. Well, like when I said I was going to go after Adalia, some people in our church said let's just rebuke it and I said, no, I'm not going. God didn't tell me to do that. I need to be down there.


So we get down there.


We leave at two in the morning. I wait Josh, so we were going to leave later. I said we need to leave now, we need to get out to Perry. So we head out toward Perry. So, adalia, yeah, we're, we left the farm, we're heading to Perry. I tell Josh, I said you need to pull over, and that's all I know at the moment. So he pulls the car off the sunroof and he says what are we doing If you know, josh, what you do?


you met Josh, he's kind of he's like yeah, we need to get to Perry, and he's he's all on a mission at that point. Yeah.


I said I I something from God. I said I got, I got a list, I just need to. I got to calm down because I'm in, I'm in chase mode, okay, and God says I need you to spray against the spirit of death. He said I've got you here on the ground to pray against that. So I looked at Josh. I said let's pray against death. So we spent maybe three, five minutes prayed against death.


I mean it was.


it was forever. It wasn't a long length. He was afraid. We prayed in the spirit, you know, prayed and we took off and we got to Perry. It comes in as a kid. It goes down to a category three. As it hits, we're in the eyeball. They're ripping things apart. Buildings, roofs are coming off Same thing we're always dealing with. The tree damage on the interstate was worse I've ever seen. The trees were like this outside here and they were piled up 15, 20 feet high. They had to bring in these trucks with these big blades, 15 foot blades, that they just went along like this, like they bring them out of the main.


you know the lumberjack area. I've never seen those before. I didn't even know they had them in Florida.


I guess they use them for the you know, probably the pine trees they cut down. But we were in a 10 mile stretch for nine hours, Never been that way in hurricane. Because where it came across the interstate it was, it was, it was a cat three. At that time the cat three conditions missed a lot of the popular letters, but there was a flood surge. Everything else no, and you can look this up. No one died in a day or a year. Nice, A guy died in Gainesville the next day in an auto wreck and they always include those things in hurricane tests. But generally hercondescer, drowning, electrocution, CO2 carbonation from your generators going FEMA To this day. You can look up FEMA. They take pride in that, the fact they had trained people. They said no one died because we did such a good job preparing them and training them. No, they didn't.


They may have done that. They don't know our prayer made a difference.


In that hurricane, a cat three hit an area that never had a cat three before, or not like that, and it was so it was surreal to me. I kept telling people, I even told my parents and everybody that I'm talking to Everybody's kind of like, everybody's kind of like looking at me like you know, maybe that was it, but there's a difference between people, what they assume and what they think, and what you know in your heart, right, right. What you know in your heart is a different thing. So I have to have really changed me. It really set me up very different coming into this year how I view things and weather. And you know, as you were talking about George Carver, george Washington Carver, the peanut guy, his life is just amazing. You bring it into the whole thing.


He's the reason I started studying it this way.


Yeah, look at the whole different angle.


So what other lessons like maybe when you had your family go back a little bit in the early days when you were chasing stuff, what lessons the Lord was teaching you? Or speaking out of that whirlwind? I like that comment that you made. I just want to go back to it for a moment, just a touch it.


Yeah, Do you have anything that you know?


six years he was like whoa and it was a great teaching Very easy kids maybe, too, god loves you to be passionate and he loves you to have things that you love that look like they may not have nothing to do with him, but he always wants you to come back to him because he wants you to realize that he's the reason, real reason, for all the passion that you have for that thing. So weather was one of those things. It's amazing. We kind of took what I found out study in old science, go back over histories. I found out all of the original scientists, men and women. Both women were meteorologists in the beginning and scientists. I don't know where everybody gets the idea they weren't allowed to do anything. I've got old pictures and images, their illustrations drawn for the 1800s.


Women are in the meteorologist's office making maps with the guys 1820.


That's awesome to me, or the one we lie today about that. Oh yeah, people tell lies. Women weren't involved. No, they were.


They were all over the place involved. It was, frankly, as we became a more secular society in the 1900s.


That's when we kick women out of the offices and stuff oh wow, and look what we're doing now with all that stuff you know with male and female. So it's it. Originally they had the idea down and they knew it was happening and that, by the way, carver comes out in the right after the Civil War. George Washington Carver If anybody don't know him, the African-American scientist who the guy failed at farming himself I've been to his ranch in Western Kansas, I've been to it many times. As a plaque on the ground use his grass all over it and everything, but it's on the hilltop is at. Carver lived here for three years. That's all the monument that's left.


The boys have taken him out there.


We climb over it.


We go there, we remove the weeds out of the way. Yeah take pictures of us standing there and it's just in the middle of nowhere. He failed as a farmer, but he trained farmers in this deep south, had to grow peanuts, white and black farmers and created one of the first set of millionaires in American history. Yeah, by redoing agriculture, because he wasn't supposed to be a farmer, he was supposed to train farmers.


So we're going to have more information on that Five point hours in the next pot. It costs podcasts when we have a raw known as a guest again. So that'd be awesome. We'll crack that open. Get a crack open. Oh, please stop, matt. Ok.


So what is it? What is God and what does he speak to you like? Share some examples of what he spoke to you like through the the whirlwind.


Through the whirlwind, let's see. So one of the first things that God began to show me and I'll connect these dots, keep it simple, it's easier. So the last few storm seasons we were out there, when people think they're off the charts and epic and huge and you got all these outbreaks you hear in the news really not so much. It's been a very dormant few years 20 to wise. We haven't had a violent, which is called an F520. We haven't had one since 12 years now. Oh wow. And we usually average several a year. So we've had a drought, which is good. Have a drought of extreme weather.


So as I was out there in the storms, here's how God would speak to me at the moment. He may do it different this year, when I was out there, god would say so here's what I want to do with you. I want you to be able to look at the computer models and and see what's happening for a 20 to outbreak, and then I want to give you numbers. I want to start working with numbers so you can tell people what to be alert for. So if you go back to my Facebook usually I'm on there I will actually put out there in this outbreak tomorrow afternoon, not tomorrow. Anything happening right now.


But I will say this zone.


I'll circle it and I'll say I expect 50 to 70 twisters, which is pretty good, it's pretty impressive. There's only a few people who even attempted that and some of them done it and I'll usually do it. And here's what's really crazy is when they have a high end day and they're expecting a lot of big ones and I'll put out there, say, I'm seeing maybe six to 12 and I see none of them being major. And part of it's what I'm looking at with the modeling, it's the meteorology of it coming together, but it's also you're getting that other part is the intuition of the spirit. God, what are you saying about this? So that's what I've done the last few years and with hurricanes and stuff like that, I'm usually very accurate what God has been telling me. So it's more than just a tornado in front of me talking to me, as it may be.


Yeah, we know the metaphor.


It could be that. It could be, that wouldn't shock me.


But when I'm out there and there's a supercell going on, everybody's doing their own thing, especially with the family. Now it's usually just me and my wife. Now Everybody's taking pictures and all that other stuff. That's when God will almost slow everything down. When everything is going fast for me, it all slows down and God begins to just speak into my mind at that point and begins to tell me these things like that. So when I tell people, when I go, especially tornado chasing hurricane chasing is different and I don't know why but when I go tornado chasing but of course the Bible never says he speaks out of the hurricane either- so they spoke out of the tornado.


So maybe that's it.


But when I'm out there doing that my mind just slows down and suddenly and I just scribed it to people this way you ever see the movies where they slow down the room and they spin and the bullets are all suspended. Yeah.


Like when flash or something he's walking through.


ding ding, hit the bullets Right.


That's the way it does in my mind Wow, and what I felt like God showed me then and I tried to explain it at church and sometimes I'm not good at it. I say God wants to put you in that zone too, but I don't know what your zone is. You have to let the spirit show you that Uh-huh. But because most people are confused about who they are and what they like, I've been telling our folks that say, most of you work jobs your whole life. You're good at it, but you hate it. You didn't even do your destiny.


Because everybody told you hey, this job pays good, you'll do good at that and you'll get a pension. Well, all that's coming apart now and people don't even the younger generation don't wanna have anything to do with that, no, and so that's a whole nother story. But I'll tell folks here. I am very pro education, I love it, but neither one of my sons have one college class under their belt, not any college at all. And I told him I said do not waste your time If you don't know what you wanna do. Follow the spirit Both of them. One works for fidelity now and he's I get ready to move into management here now at this point, very young. To be getting up there with no college at all, I said, because it was never. College is okay, it has a place, although I have issues with that now.


Education in the way it's done.


Yeah, that's correct, but it has its place. But it has a godly place, not just a place. There's a godly place where education comes in and I think we've done a real number on that stuff. But I go back to what you were saying about the talking twisters, because I loved God. I loved God, I loved the weather and I said all that. And I've read Job, I don't know how many times, because we go through the Bible each year in the church. It was three years ago. It hit me. I read that, I say talk to, and then Elijah, and I start looking at whirlwind.


It's all over the place.


And as I start looking up all the different, and like you said, about Jesus on the sea of Galilee, that was another thing. There are storms on the sea of Galilee all the time. Jesus only rebuked one from inside the boat. The other one, he walks on the water and I'm like we need to be selective about what we do.


We need to follow. Is it time to walk on the water or is it time to rebuk it?


right, right exactly right and I mentioned this Sunday actually I told the folks I said hurricanes give about 40% of the water to the Southeast. If you take away all the tropical storms out of the hurricanes down there, then you've removed the water table. They can have no agricultural, they dry up. There'd be severe droughts and things.


So basically the fall created physics.


It just went nuts, and I believe what we do. The Bible says all creation is held by the word of God, by His words. Well, I believe those words. Part of it is equations, I believe it's physics, and calculus and everything else he says.


That's once you begin to tear those apart and we think we're super smart. I always remind people Sir Isaac Newton, the guy who created everything, the guy's brilliant scientist, right, two thirds of his writings are about theology and God and prophecy. Only a third of this stuff was about science and I believe I think it's. Bill Gates owned a bunch of it, bought it up in an auction like 30 years ago, so it'd be a problem to get all that stuff. So people who understood the real deal back in the day has much focus and awareness on God and the spirit, as they did on the science and the physics.


And and remember Isaac Newton's, the one who gave us a lot of what we have in calculus and physics and things like that I think he had an understanding of the word of God holding things in, keeping them intact. So that's what I kind of take when I'm doing with the storms and things like that. I look at those things and it's getting, amy, it grows every year, every season. This year I think God's gonna do even bigger things with it and I, that's, I'm looking at it now like we're doing this, the show right now. I'm looking out there and I'm saying, okay, god, you know what greater good could come from this than just me being on Facebook doing some forecasts and chasing some storms, and I think I mentioned to you a minute ago.


That was the next question I was gonna ask you.


The people God's connected me with the last few years has said I just had a dinner actually a month or so ago with some guys down at Peabody and they're all renowned scientists. I'm sitting at a table where I'll just hackin' it up and I'm thinking I'm the only guy here who's just a little pastor guy. You know, I have a master's in climatology. That may be impressive to some people. Everybody at that table has PhDs and connections, you know one guy has three PhDs.


He was a Harvard professor, he's my agent, he is well known for sunspots and solar flare activity. So these minds are all coming together and I'm listening to them and they're connected, they're being. God says there's your outlet right there. When you get something, you need to let them know so they can tell it to people. And I said, well, I kinda do it. And he said no, you really don't. He said you hold back when you go to them. He said you're more, you're calibrating, you know. Okay, I think it could be bad over here, because they're all superior, you know, in education and rank and in status of society. And God says I've given you all things you need to make this thing happen. It's up to you to make it happen. So that'll be my next step, to sure.


That's interesting and be confident in it. Yeah, battling the intimidation, see, I can be that way with my wife. I'll tell her, ah.


but then when you get these other guys, you know, suddenly you're not so much, I know. Yeah it does, it happens.


That's interesting. You know, and the Bible says that God takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. And you know, we don't have to let our outflow be based on our level of education, right, or you know the experience or the connections, the amount of listeners or followers that we have, and it's easy to get Intimidated by people who may have more followers, who may have more education, more influence. But if God's put you there, or or a listener of God's put you there, to be able to be bold and confident and say, no, this is what the Lord said, right, and and that's where you know, I love that you're honing that prophetic part, that spiritual part that's always been there, but now you're connecting it and you're honing that and God is gonna use that in such an amazing way. No, and and even for the listeners, like, don't be intimidated. I mean, don't be all in your face. I told you so type of person.


I know it either.


Yeah, but it's not about it but, but with confidence and humility, stand on the platforms that God's called you to you know it's interesting or you were talking about that.


Something came to mind too. People have asked me like I'm on on the Facebook channel and I don't know where the viewers if you're watching this, listening to it, seeing on climate change and stuff. I said I usually don't tackle that topic. I'm not afraid to by any stretch. I said I don't believe man he's caused all these things. I don't know, I don't tackle that. I said because the viewers I have. I said there is no telling who watches my Facebook and listens in my forecast.


I'm sure there are people out there who don't believe in God. They're probably in every lifestyle that we everything contrary to scripture. I said my goal is to warn and alert every one of them because Noah did it. He's alerting along. Yeah, abraham seven. A conversation with God about how to save lot and how to save a whole valley of people. He says we can get it down to 10 people. I'll save it. I believe God's always trying to save people. He's always trying to save people. So my goal is isn't seeing all the evil wiped out. Evil, yes, evil people, you know. I mean, yeah, we'll be nice it wiped out. Mine is to, and I think it's that way with everybody. God wants us to be so alert to him and Operating in in his love, in his care for humanity. They were willing to step right, like you said, just willing to step right in it, to be for a better word as God to the people, little gene we're not the big guy, as Moses was speaking for God and you're speaking into those environments.


Suddenly they're. They're not looking Jehovah, they're looking at you. You're looking at Joe. Well, you're looking at God, you're listening him, but they're listening to what you're saying and you're gonna be the thing that draws them in. And I really believe this too. I believe where society is right now, it is in such a dysfunctional state at every level, in every capacity. There's no zone right now.


It's not been hijacked by darkness, it's just been totally messed up because a thread of God has been pulled out of the garment and it cannot stay together. Yes, which was back to yours, your, and then you continue your numbers and in Calculus they pulled the God element out of it. And some of this stuff get us to an end, doesn't even make. Cannot yeah they cannot connect it, so they make up things to connect it. Yes, they start a whole brand new.


Yeah, that's what they do and it's really what's. What's really bad about it is the people even Once I knew it, fsu who are that way were super smart people but they had no wisdom. They had no wisdom from God to be able to operate in. And that's what I really begin to realize. Some of these people I used to think these people just you know, they're just really dumb the way that I said no, they're not really dumb.


I said they're really dark they learn a dark room and they have no clue with the light switches.


They couldn't turn in. That begin to understand said with these people ruling operations.


I mean that was 20 years ago. Really begin to change my teaching and preaching and told people. I said you've got people Operating things in a dark room.


They're gonna kill everybody and they won't even know what they're doing when they're killing everybody, because they're just dark.


And again, when you start looking through history and you see these men and women before it's, they understood all that and that's why they were Infusing God and everything it works. Because they were religious zealots, because they knew that thread had to be there. That thread wasn't there, yeah, nothing was gonna work and that's why the advance like crazy and everything. These guys here. It's so crazy. I won't go into all the details, but some of the greatest scientists that once who? Matthew Fontaine Murray? Yeah, I've got a lot of his letters, original letters.


He is called the Pathfinder of the seas. He is the guy that said God showed him the verse out of Psalms Ray says the currents of the oceans and he said I'm gonna find every one of them. Well, he developed the maps of the oceans, of the seas and all the tracks that we use for the military. Now. Did you know? He didn't hardly travel any of the oceans. He started off and he got injured at his young man. He had to stay in DC and just go through the journals of sea captains and get revelation out of them.


Pull them out and pull them out one line once.


Yeah, and there's a longer story by even than that. I'm thinking this dude next podcast man, this is what they did back then and I said we still use his maps today. We haven't even improved on that much because God was giving him fresh downloads because he had the God thread going. Today we don't have it going. So we digitize everything.


And if you ever watch and I'm not being mean, but I was spent some time the last year watching YouTube's and different podcasts, especially weather and ministry, just to see who's doing what, and I'm like looking at my wife I said can you watch? She goes, she's funny, she's watching cats jumping off barrels and stuff like that. They got four and a half million people watching that and I say, oh my god, I mean it's cute. But she'll show it to me and I'll go and I'll tell Finn, my little dog, and say Finn, come here, we'll show her a trick, you know. But I'll pull somebody up like that and I watch and I say I know this person sincere, but they're really not good at this anything, presentation or anything.


And I said and there's two million people watching them, and she'll say I tell you, you need to be out there telling people, and I what I've told her. I told people in our church and we've got a younger church meets in our building too. And I tell that pastor and I was just with them last night at their meeting in our church I say God wants to position his sons and daughters all over this planet in places of power. The problem with Christians we never wanted power, we just wanted to go to heaven. Mm-hmm, if I wanted just to go to heaven, all you did was get saved, go to heaven. And God said no and I mean it's kind of a ripoff line, a lot of people use it now but he said no, I want to put heaven and earth and you're it, that's right.


And I go to Jacobs, jacob's ladder Remember you know the Jacobs ladder story? Yeah, it's really funny. Because what? When Jacob gets there, it's called the gateway to heaven and that's one of the only references in scripture. Use that way in the Hebrew. It literally means a portal to heaven that has been opened, a gateway to heaven. And I'll share on people Sunday. I said you know it says he left Bershiba, which is where everything happened. Remember, that's the town. Everybody goes there to get a vision. Even a lot of Ligie says leave there and go to this some place someplace.


That's learning where he goes. I said you're gonna have to leave the turf you've known all along and you thought was so special and sacred and go somewhere when it's not to find the real poor, because, it said, other people traveled through there and they never found the thing. He said I didn't even know this was here. What is all around this operating that we is right there and we've never even known it?


Hmm, I Love that. Let's let's end with this, because we are gonna do a follow-up podcast, so stay tuned in. But I Just want to kind of wrap up what you're saying. So we've got the world in a lot of these arenas, or, if you want to say, the Mount, seven mountains or you know, in Different fields and arenas, sure, and they've taken the God thread out and and there's a lot of science and knowledge. But where, where they lack with that, because they're missing that thread, error comes in. But then, on the other hand, you've got believers in the church and I'm just generalizing today, so don't anyone stone me, but in general, over the years, what we did is we took that God thread and we kept it all by itself. Yeah, and and that's where that mentality came I just want to go to heaven, I just you know it's just.


And so I think it's time and and you are a good example in this particular Field where we take the God thread and we start to weave it back into what God has put around us. Whether you're in the medical field, education field, whatever it might be, that passion place let's take that God thread and let's weave it back in and See what God's gonna do and and that will you know, the Bible says what you're gonna be the head and not the tail. How do we get that way? We weave the God thread into the place of influence that he's put us.


So, bro, if you would, just how about? We'll release you. Just pray whatever the Spirit puts on your heart for our five-point ores, our leaders, those are listening. Maybe they need a refire and their passion and they have a peace and they don't know how it fits. Yeah, because they're either thinking one way or the other that she just talked about and that the Lord will maybe Not, we may be will cause emergent, an Emergence emergence to take place and they can emerge into a new area. Cut along that line super lord leads. Let's do that. We like praying for you. Thanks for joining us guys. And as we always say, cuz we're gonna end with him, I always say that one of the easiest ways To share the gospel in a digital world is by hitting your share button and get these podcasts Into your platforms that you're at. Thank you for listening. Go ahead, that's a good deal.


So let's do it this way. Lord, I pray for wisdom in counsel to your, your sons and daughters out there. Most people have an idea of where they're supposed to go. They just many people don't have a clue how to do that and, god, I pray that you give them that clue. Start setting things in motion, put people in place in front of them, god orchestrate, make things move around, narrow the way, tighten it, god, in the direction that they need to move in. God, give them not just inspiration, god, but the total, vivid direction on that and God, then the resources to be able to fall through that and for those that are out there to say I thought I knew something, but I don't know it.


God, I pray you would soften the noise in their head. God, the chaos. You're not the God of confusion. God, begin to make everything really Pristine, make it clear, make the direction precise. You know something else I was getting just before I began to pray. I'm trying to get that back again. God, I pray that the people who have given up on a dream that they thought was supposed to happen and maybe they were in ministry of business and they've kind of left that behind I did that for a few years. You told me to and then it came back I pray, god, give them the sign to those things to get ready to be coming back again, be ready to be retrieved.


Yes and the.


Lord, they need to give a place in our life for that thing can land and become the real deal, like Carver, where he wasn't a farmer but he was a trainer of farmers. There's something they've got that may not be used the way they thought it was gonna be used, and and the way you're gonna use it, their life is a lot more fun than the way they were gonna use it. A.


Lot more fun, a lot more exciting and a lot more rewarding, because it's through that, god that do the army 28. The blessings will flow into their home, their lives, their business and their ministry, all the things they put their hand to. And I pray, god, we just sealed that. The whole spirit you're moving in them right now. Whoever's watching this, whenever they're watching this, they're feeling it. God, you're giving the direction in Jesus name, amen, amen.