5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter

Find your peanut: Embracing the George Washington Carver Legacy/ Guest Ron Moore Jr

IHIM TV /In His Image Ministries Episode 59

Ever wondered how faith can drive scientific innovation? Pastor Ron Moore Jr. joins us to reveal the intertwining of his spiritual leadership and his enthusiasm for meteorology, echoing the legacy of George Washington Carver. Experience the captivating narrative of Carver's faith-fueled scientific journey post-Civil War, which yielded agricultural breakthroughs that redefined Southern farming. We dissect the integration of spiritual beliefs with scientific pursuits, and how Carver's inventions were not only a testament to his faith but also a strategic asset in the political arena.

Venture with us through a compelling exploration of the delicate balance between preserving and concealing knowledge, as we discuss how the availability of information can shape entire societies. In this episode, Pastor Moore shares personal stories, encouraging listeners to uncover and pursue their own "peanut" - their unique calling or passion. 

In our final chapters, we tackle interpretations of environmental events from a Christian perspective, considering whether these could be divine signs and how prophecy might inform our reaction to them. We also touch on the potential for revival and the role of the church in proactively addressing modern challenges. Our stirring conversation wraps up with a prayer for joy and freedom, embracing the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and the protection promised in Psalm 91 for those aligned with its wisdom. Join us for this episode that not only promises enlightenment but also serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for intertwining spirituality with practical life endeavors.

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Welcome to 5.0, 5-fold and beyond. With Matt and Amy In the 5.0 podcast, we're going to peel back the layers of the Ephesians 4 model, revealing the thriving church ministry of organization. This will help leaders to identify, work together, implement or raise up the believers who want to move in their calling.


We also offer seminars, conferences and strategic advising to pastors and leaders. We'll sit down with you and help you to learn how to have a 5-fold influenced church or organization. I'm also going to show you how to identify and integrate people with 5-fold giftings into your teams and organization. So connect with us at ihemtvcom. That's i-h-i-m-t-vcom.


So get ready to engage, as these podcasts will open an understanding, remove confusion of the 5-fold and open your eyes and heart to what you and those around you carry.


Welcome to the podcast today and we're really excited to have Pastor Ron Moore Jr back with us. If you didn't get a chance to listen to the last podcast we had with him on it, go back because he gives you a little more history about what he is. But we want to dive right in today because there's just so much exciting stuff. What I will say in way of introduction he's a pastor of a church, but he's also a storm chaser. He's into meteorology weather that's a passion of his. He also has degrees in that. So it's not just an armchair weatherman you actually have studied this and chase storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards.


Man of the Spirit of God follows the Lord.


And the Lord uses you highly in the prophetic and bringing that together. Again, listen to the last podcast if you didn't yet. You can kind of hear how God has been bringing that together in his life with the prophetic, with weather, as well as his ministry. That is his ministry. Essentially. It all comes together in a ball to form your ministry. What we want to start with is someone who's really inspired you and your journey along the way with George Washington Carver and not everyone might know who that is, so tell us a little bit about him and why how that's inspired you and your journey.


Welcome to 5.0, bro.

Ron Moore:

Yeah, yeah, thanks. I think everybody has ever heard of Pat Robertson, regent University.



Ron Moore:

So he first wrote about this in his I think it was the Laws of the Kingdom back in the 70s, early 80s.

Ron Moore:

It was a book he put out back then. That may not be the exact name, but anyhow, the first time I read about George Washington Carver, this guy who was raised up as a slave in Missouri right after the Civil War, and just his general life of just trying to follow God as a black, as an African American, right after the Civil War in a part of the country that really wasn't very good about that, is his family's gone. Critical points to it If you don't know any of his story. He grew up with the German family, white family that raised him. But they gave him a Bible that raised him in the home and they raised him with the word of God. It became a crucial, central part of his entire life and his existence and that's kind of what he's known for. But through his life. Here's the crazy thing about George he are Dr Carver. Each stage of life he went through he faced massive resistance all the way along the line.

Ron Moore:

All the way to his fame in Tuskegee Institute and, by the way, everywhere he ever lived. I've been there, everywhere he lived, everywhere he went to college. I've been to his offices. I've been to his I just because we did it. Chasing storms, I take the kids oh we're going to check this out. We've been Billy the kid too. We've been to his grave. One of them, at least, was like three.

Ron Moore:

So we do this stuff, but this guy was so core. I love the way he followed God and had a heart for God and how he let God get into his mind when it came to soil and seed and things like that.

Ron Moore:

And because of he dealt with agriculture, he had a lot with weather and meteorology as well, but he was not afraid to let God move into his arenas and he wasn't afraid to let God show him things that would make him very famous, because he became super famous. Here's a story I'll throw out there to you. So again, he's in Alabama. He's training up the black and white, poor black and white farmers down there. Cotton has completely destroyed the industry down there because of what it does to the soil and he starts working on ways to re renovate the soil Not mentioned the seven year rotation, you know, given the land rests with your Bible talks, but he brought that back. But he starts doing all this and doing different vegetables and seeds and stuff, and again, people may have familiarity with that. So I'll keep this good. I want to make it concise. So it's really his life. All that's so powerful. As he began to develop these things, the two things that became very prominent were his ability to migrate seed and soil and make them work together, and a lot of that was science. But there were times where he would go in his lab and this is documented stuff, this isn't stuff you dig up. You can find this almost anywhere. He would go into his lab for days on end and study stuff and come out with innovations and inventions, and he would have his Bible tucked under his arm and he said I only go in with one textbook my Bible. Wow, he became a joke for that in certain circles. Of course.

Ron Moore:

When he went to DC, he went up there because the Southern farmer sent him up there to go to a congressional committee I think 1937, I'm sorry, I think it was and it was to get a tariff passed on peanuts because they were bringing them in from other parts of the world. He was fighting for the Southern farmers so that they could be able to sell their goods up there. So it was the politics involved. All the people around were interested in politics, except George. He didn't care about the politics. He came there to show off God. So he goes in there all laughing, he sits up at George and again, some of this stuff is on video. The old video is back there. He sits up, all these things, they're talking back and forth. He said oh, so you've got this God and all these other things. How'd you discover the peanut? And one of the senators asked him. He said so how did you discover what was in the peanut? Did you talk to the God, who knows about the peanut. He said no in the Bible, man.


I'm getting it wrong. I hate it. I wish I could read it straight out.

Ron Moore:

He said the Bible is written by the God, who knows about the peanut and he's the one that showed me how to do what I do with it, how to break it down. And he made 300 patents out of the peanut.




And again, that's all. The peanut stands, you see, when you drive down. So it was crazy.


Yes, it's a big thing.

Ron Moore:

He did it with sweet potatoes, he did it with everything. In fact, he did it to ski. He did a Thanksgiving meal and he had everything ham, turkey, every bit of it. It was all made, I believe, from peanuts and yams. None of it was meat. He just went and see if he could get away with it and he didn't tell anybody, wow. And he made all these different tastes and nobody had a clue he had done that. So it shows you the innovation of God. So me, I'm not interested. I love peanuts, but I'm not interested in agriculture at all, really.

Ron Moore:

So I'm reading all this stuff and when people like my wife would ask me, she'd say well, you know, why is it so fascinating? I said because I'm looking at this from the world of weather. And I told my wife you should look at this from the world of accounting. She's an accountant. What can God show you? So here's, here's a funny one. I didn't tell you this one. We were talking one time about that and she goes I don't know what. What accounting has to do with Bible or God or anything. So I'm wondering, I'm looking through accounting terms. I said what is reconciliation? She goes oh, oh, it's this. This has to match that, I said oh my god, you are reconciled through Christ Jesus. Oh my gosh. I said can you share that Sunday? So she did and she was lit she's. I mean, who can get lit about a reconciliation?


about accounting.


She got and everybody got it, they're clapping and everything I said.

Ron Moore:

They get it because that's your peanut honey. You understand what you're doing. So with Carver, it wasn't just the peanut, it was finding your peanut, finding the one that made you take it. That's, I guess, a meeting you were in, why I used to hand out peanuts to be yes.

Ron Moore:

I'd say what's your peanut? There are still people who have them laminated. Throw a card and they still carry them with them. I said because it lets you. It wasn't about Carver's peanut, it was about the fact he had found that place in God where he had that perfect rhythm in the spirit where he's operating. Here's something else that used to happen with him. He would go to his speeches across the country and the people would say can we have a prayer meeting with you because he was a Christian? And they, he would say sure, and, and so they would rent a room or take a room or conference hall and they would pack it out. Many times he had to beat the basement. That was the biggest room of these old universities. They'd have 500 kids show up and get saved the churches. For anybody other who's in ministry, the churches would say you need to send them to our church. And he would talk to me goes, I really can't send them there because your church is kind of dead.


I don't know what you're teaching there.

Ron Moore:

So the pastors begin to not like him especially the. African-american Pastors in the south. Because one thing about Carver he was very Anti-racist. He just didn't believe in racism on both sides. He said I'm gonna make black and white farmers rich. That was a little bit of an issue in the in the south in the 1930s, which which is why he's not very regarded today.


You don't hear much about him out there because he doesn't fit the pattern.

Ron Moore:

A lot of people don't fit the pattern from that day, because he said God wants to bless everybody and that's you know kind of where. So that that all kind of got involved in my life. It's been over the years but that really became a big deal probably 12 years ago and at that time I could still because I like the Only original, I own original letters from these scientists, own original journals from some of them. It was really funny when I first start buying this stuff yeah, yeah, I could buy it for like 10, 20 bucks on eBay and stuff and now the things I pay 20 bucks for it, you'll be lucky to get them for $2,000. Wow, they purged it too. A few years ago, noah and NASA both put out article or notices to everybody to buy up everything they could and they were buying from them. They, everybody purged all the history.

Ron Moore:

Now there's two reasons you could do that. Number one you could do it because you want to preserve history, which is great and it's, you know, reveal things like I do. Secondly is you want to cover it up and you want to make it where nobody can get to it. So if you go to the Smithsonian. Now some of my stuff would be in the Smithsonian. You can't actually see the stuff. I've been there and tried to preserve it and it used to be two week wait and now they say no, you can't get it. We'll send you a copy of it.


You can't. You came and had that in your email.

Ron Moore:

You have to come there to see the copy of the stuff. So through time there's been this compression of taking hold of history, putting it in bunkers. We're protecting it for you and can I say, god's the only one that actually hides things for you, not from you, you know I like that phrase mister, you know, I mean that's where the mysteries of God are hidden, for that time when you can eat them and stuff. Many times when men do it, it in for you.


It's from you, yeah they want to keep it for themselves.

Ron Moore:

They don't want you to know the truth about things, and so the carver thing, like it's just it's lost back to the hidden knowledge.


Yeah, knowledge is power. And to start removing it?

Ron Moore:

Yeah, yes, it is so you.


You found your peanut.

Ron Moore:

Weather and shawarma.


partner is my wife there you go and she's uncovering it more and more, and so, you know, I challenge viewers, listeners, what is your peanut? You know what? What is the thing that God's made you passionate about? That? You, you, that the problem that you can solve, the, the innovation that God has put in you, the treasure that's waiting to be released, and and how you can connect that, and that's so inspirational. So let's shift over. Just for that.


I want to speak to those not to put God in a box so you might be a professional pastor or preacher or minister will put it that way. My a mean by professional is is that that's all you see? Your paychecks from the church or the ministry, that's it. And yet you have all these amazing other ideas, these other things that you think you're gonna do when you retire or you drink, or these dreams that you see this contrary that you have uses that these.


You see them as contrary and you Supposedly crucified them because you're gonna sacrifice everything for God and he's the one that gave that to you and, as a result, now you are in an insufficient place in all kinds of areas of your life and God wants to Unlock these things for you. So the five point order is you can have the greatest Anointing and stand there and lay hands on people in your altar, call, and then you go home and You're facing other things in your life that are not making sense, and it's because you're you, you're not lifting the lid off of these things that God's put into your life. Yes, so that's what I get inspired every time. That's good, that's a great layout.

Ron Moore:

Yeah, that really is. That's very well put. Yeah, because you're exactly right, that's what people have done. They, they would surrender. This is him giving this up for God and God goes because I did that. I did that for weather, gave it up for a few years because God told me to and then, when he told me to go back to Florida, say I said I thought you said give it up. He said I say give it up for the time in the season.


You did much like Abraham and Isaac.

Ron Moore:

It would be willing to sacrifice it. He said down ready to bring you back into it because you won't be upset, because part of the obsession was not be doing it, because when I chase storms there's been a few Sundays I miss where I'm out chasing a storm, and not many, but there's been a few of them Is that God just wants me to listen to him? It's not about being in church, because obviously we're more into church than God is God's into more us being the church.


As opposed to being in church, you know, and so.

Ron Moore:

And so God would say I just want to know you're listening to me. When you're out here Doing this stuff, I'm all for you having fun I mean God, anything fun. This plant, god made it the real fun stuff. I always, I always remind you that I've around the young, the younger church we have meeting in our church, building this, a younger Congregation, younger generation and our mind of all time.

Ron Moore:

I said sexuality did not come from the enemy, it came from God. So always remind you that he's the one who jacks it up and makes it ugly, the enemy. I made it a great thing and during things, something to be precious in your life. And that's the way our dreams and ambitions are. They. They're the same way when they come alive like that. You know, when you were talking, something just resonated with me that when God's trying to make something come alive to you and in you and through you, the enemy is going to try and stop it. He's gonna try. So the important thing you can do, and what really made me strong especially, was my spouse in the marriage, her supporting it, yeah, and other people around me saying right, yes, I like that and I would say this is where we're gonna take a hit, you know, or this is where we won't take a hit.

Ron Moore:

This is the possibilities. They go. Let's do it, let's move forward in that Very, very important. Some people you might not have that, they may not have all those things on their side. So sometime in the show probably we'll have a chance to pray into that and just say, hey, let's have God pray and do it anytime you want.

Ron Moore:

Let's do it now then, yeah, lord, just take and move all those things around, shuffle the deck. Yeah, do it your way, do those things. You have a way of doing things and everybody that's watching, listening to this will back off and let you do what you need to do, even if it looks awkward, uncomfortable and it looks like we may be getting ready to lose something. We know if you're doing it, we're actually gonna gain a whole lot. The process just has to be gone through. It always looks like that. Right, and God, I just pray that happens, because what Matt was saying is so important. If we're gonna get to that place, we take that lid off. We're able to be us. We need an environment that's enriching around that, not something that's beating back every time we try and do it. So some people I just sense already they know where they need to go. They're just afraid to go there.

Ron Moore:

I pray, remove the fear, the barriers the obstacles and give them the lit path, like a runway Straight into what they need to do. In Jesus' name.


Yeah, amen, that's good. So now I want to shift a little bit. It's a right hand turn, it's not left hand, it's the right hand because we're still with you in weather. How does I mean? You're seeing a lot on a level that some people aren't seeing, and we know that we're coming into some chaotic times in our nations, in the world essentially, and we know what the Bible talks about. How do you use weather, or how do you tie that in, to kind of see what God is doing in these?


things. An interesting one coming up to another major eclipse, right, yeah, yeah, I know I got to make my plans and we'll just see that yeah. You're coming right out of our neck of the woods.

Ron Moore:

Hope it's not like today, cloudy. Maybe the last year we've had so many cloudy days up here, I don't know how it's been up where you just cloudy, not always rain, but a lot of that too.

Ron Moore:

But just cloudy day after day has been like crazy. I mean, when you're from the South. I lived in Florida 20 years. It's called the Sunshine State because it's always sunny. It may rain, but it's a thunderstorm. It's out in the hour it's gone here it's like a lot of cloudy days. So, I would you know, go back to what you were saying. This is where it sounds negative, but it's not. It's not to me.

Ron Moore:

I would share with them just a little bit earlier that the hurricane season for 2024 looks to be extremely active and the Caribbean, caribbean and the islands down there will probably be impacted quite a bit. That's a lot of science behind that. There's a lot that indicates that there's patterns of the way the teleconnections, which is, the weather patterns around the globe, the way they'll be flowing together, and they've actually got models out of friends that put out a video this morning and sent me this stuff Again. It shows some of the hot spots for the coming summer season, where everything put on top of each other and a lot of spots will be for hurricanes and things like that and the Caribbean kind of lights up. So there's that, but let me I'm going to give a forecast. I haven't done anywhere else yet, not even on my Facebook page. I believe that Haiti, the country of Haiti, is under a direct threat this year of a major, major hurricane hit, and at this point it would be catastrophic for them because there's no infrastructure left.


Yeah, nothing left.

Ron Moore:

And what really triggered me while we're doing this podcast show. This happened this morning. I was looking at the news and they had just taken over the airport because the prison I don't know if you all knew they had a prison break down there.


No, yeah, so yesterday, two days ago 4,000 really bad people got out.

Ron Moore:

The whole prison was emptied, took to the streets, beginning to just butcher people. They took over the Capitol building. They took over the airport this morning, so now the airport, port of Prince is gone and they're killing, executing people all over the place, so they're in total meltdown. The White House has already addressed this that everybody needs to get out and stay away from the country. I think the UN is even taking it up right now. That's how bad it's getting to be, because they expected the Dominican Republic. I have friends there and I have friends in our church from the Dominican Republic. They said that border doesn't even exist, so it's spilling over to the Dominican Republic.


Oh wow, we're just friends going there. It can spread very quickly that area.

Ron Moore:

So I don't know that area, but that's what they say. That brings me to what we were discussing. There's a war in the second heavens right now. Heaven's are one of my things.


Now one thing, the.

Ron Moore:

Bible says about the devil. I haven't had a chance to dig deep in this, so forgive me a little bit here but it says he, the enemy, is the prince of the power of the air. We're authorized on the planet to operate. God owns the heavens, but the third, the second heaven in between, is where there's a battle zone going on. And what God showed me a couple of years ago is that when I'm looking at weather and computer models and considering the physics and the math, that's all good, I'm doing that. But then there's a tier you have to look at as a spiritual domain. If there's a conflict going on there, it would mess up with the Model C. The models have done horrible to sweater, predicting anything really bad except the West Coast storms coming in.


And even so they never got snow hardy at all.

Ron Moore:

Well, in the model it's not like they showed us getting anything. They showed us getting buried several times. I mean, there was a model a week and a half ago I showed Charlene Boy we're all going to have 50 inches by the middle of March. That's all gone. Now, those models they flipped. By the way, these are the same model notions they use to predict weather out 20 years for climate change. So if you can't give me a month longer, two week forecast or a five day forecast, how am I going to trust a 20 year forecast?

Ron Moore:

Come on, that's what bugs me, in addition to a bunch of other stuff.


But when I'm looking at this, what I sense what I sense God was really showing.

Ron Moore:

you said Haiti is in a breach of the second heavens. What's going on down there, the way the evil comes in, and you and I were discussing earlier, Amy, that it's not necessarily God judging.

Ron Moore:

It's yeah, and you're allowing that protection of God to be lifted, and I think a lot of people out there probably understand that concept. They're probably like, yeah, I get that you lift that insurance off of you so that you're open and vulnerable to the enemy, and that's when the enemy can flood in and affect innocent people as well, and so when you?

Ron Moore:

have rotten government, all the rotten systems operating Bahamas are dealing with the same thing right now, but Haiti just in this meltdown. I really sense that. So if what I saw is true, putting it out here first, I believe that there's going to be a hit on that island. Now here's the other thing that Christians would say. Well, let's just pray against it and everything. See, when God shows me things like that, god didn't tell me to pray against it. It was almost like it's inevitable.


Yeah, it's coming up.


Yeah, so with hurricanes, and there's a lot of scriptures about that special Well, and in the new I told you what my chase is on hurricanes.

Ron Moore:

God is told me I'm getting my stuff ready, packing my bag, that my little generator on my van he goes don't go, you're wasting your time, it ain't gonna happen, and I go. Okay, I have to diffuse myself because I'm all Hight and I've already charted it out where I must stop, and I'm one man.


Where are we gonna hit the?

Ron Moore:

you know the smoky mountains on the way down and everything the guy goes now let's go waste a trip. So I will tell people, say it's not gonna happen and it didn't. So God saved me all that time and gas and effort moving around. So I just went back, transferred my duties back to what I was gonna do here in Town-Tale meetings, kept them scheduled. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, god wants to help save us time and effort. Energy. God is the greatest environmentalist will ever see. He is the environmentalist. We're all nutcases, we don't have a clue. So if we're listening to him, you know, I don't know.


I know we were talking about Hebrews 12 the shaking.

Ron Moore:

Yeah, that was the other thing we were discussing and I believe we're in that chapter. I believe that for the last two years, and I think things again. There's something's gonna shake and we we need discernment to know in our field what's gonna shake apart and what's not right.


And we need that to happen. You know why do we want to preserve Something that that needs to fall apart and I know that we don't want to think that way, because we want God to Save everything and we get comfortable in our world system, even in our political system, in our job system and and just every system that we have, and to think that, oh, my goodness is gonna be shaken.


This is. There's a lot of voices that are contrary to this, because they are, but I've read the Bible.


Better it's not gonna get better as far as the world systems. That has to crumble, but the, the the exciting thing is that we are part of a higher kingdom, yes, and, and we have to understand that there's an impact in the heavenly heavenly's like you're talking about that impacts things on earth, whether it's weather patterns I mean, the Bible talks a lot about in the last days, things that are gonna be happening in the, the weather, and those aren't. Sometimes we look at those things like, oh, when the, when the moon turns to blood, these things are gonna happen. The, the moon turning to blood, is not the result that, it's the indicator, but it's it's what's causing that to happen that we really need to be looking at, I'll put a conspiracy.


Yeah, I saw a little article. Was really interesting. Some guys put out and said the moon is actually rusting. Did you see that? No, I didn't.

Ron Moore:

I did not see that that would be fast-flying.


They were two scientists guy and they started talking about how that, how the moon is starting the way it is and everything that's on there and a lack of really walk in rust with with oxygen. That's crazy. And they said no. And they came back to another way and they're saying right now, and they were showing pictures. It was like got you thinking, cuz it's on the verge of just breaking into this revelation.

Ron Moore:

No one's even talking about it. There is a lot of junk. We have left a lot of debris. Mars on Mars, we've left a lot of debris. There's debris piles on Mars from our stuff being set up.


So what I'm saying, some of this stuff, it's not that far off than what we really think right, but we do we get so excited about?

Ron Moore:

your point is the moon is not bleeding, but it looks like right and there's a reason exactly and it's not coming together.


Fearful about. Oh my goodness, we're seeing more storms, are seen earthquakes is what the Bible talking about.


Let's get beyond that and say, okay, what's happening in the heavenlies, right, that we need to be paying attention to that's that's causing these things and, and I think, sometimes because we're not Finding out from God, like you've been talking about God. What are you speaking through this? What are you showing through this? Why do you think this is gonna happen in Haiti or in the Caribbean this year? And it's looking and seeing that, and then we're not Caught off guard.


We're not two steps behind right but the church literally and I know I'm speaking generally don't take offense of those people, but the church has been two steps behind always. But we need to hear God. And what is God speaking in the heaven?

Ron Moore:

You know we're looking at what my mind just I think the remnant.


I think the Sun's are stepped, the overcomers are stepping in. Yeah, they are there.

Ron Moore:

When we look at AI, people freak out about this stuff because they're AI weather models now. There's two of them already popped out the last two months and my friends are using them. They send me stuff on them and they're okay you know they're, they're they're doing that.

Ron Moore:

They do algorithm test to actually see how much they get right and wrong. I don't even know how to do that stuff. So they send me and say here's what they're doing Airbnb. Our church was like freaking out, said, oh my god, they're gonna ruin the world. I said we already did that.


So I don't know what he has gonna mess up that we, you know they're gonna rely on social media.

Ron Moore:

Okay, right, I said we've lied for my whole life. We were lied about things. Quit being so afraid of AI and become the intelligence of God, operate like the sons of God and think like that.

Ron Moore:

All AI is showing you what we should be thinking like. We should have that kind of Mindset our brain should be. All my life I've heard we operate at five to ten capacity of our brain. Well then, get the other 90% going. Why do we operate at that low level? I don't get it. And then Christians say, well, in heaven, in heaven, I won't need a brain. Heaven doesn't say anything about our brains. Heaven is undescribable. We don't even comprehend. No, the Bible is written for here on earth, is written for you to operate down here and when believers keep selling that off.

Ron Moore:

You know it's like. So there was something you were saying it's a passive excuse Macking up in the 1930s. They're in Washington DC. There are newspapers. I have a lot of new old newspapers. I have some dating back to like 1812. A lot of them actually weather and stuff, but this one I. So it's Right. In the depression the Great Dust Bowl just occurred in Kansas. All the dust picks up and comes to the East Coast. I remember that here about the Great Dust.


You know why that?

Ron Moore:

happened Because they government put plows up in Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and they lined them up for 400 miles and they plowed everything under all the way to the Colorado border. Most people don't know we had a dust bowl because we ruined the Great Plains. We cut down all the tall weeds, six-foot weeds. We shredded everything. Native Americans and villagers in America, you know all the what are you doing?


What are you doing out here? You're going to destroy everything.

Ron Moore:

So the Indians said man, when the wind blows, it's going to pick up everything, it's going to be gone. So the natives just left, man. They went down to Mexico, headed up to Canada. Sure enough, everything blows, because, again, men messing with stuff. Right, it blows over to the east coast and then it gets caught in the rain and it falls in DC. In its mud. It's red mud coming down, it's revelation on the front page of the newspapers Washington Times, new York Post. All that says revelation being fulfilled. As it rains, blood on the Capitol, it's just pouring off the Capitol dome.


Everybody thought the end of the world had hit Great depression.

Ron Moore:

World War I has just ended. You're heading into World War II. They had the bloody Valentine Day Massacre in Chicago. It just happened to think a year before that. So you have the mob out here running on the streets, but do we have more? So everything was happening to fulfill revelation. And yet here we sit here, 80 years later, 90 years later, still on the ground. People look for too many of the signs and they don't look for the Instead of looking for all these signs they're not looking for the sign of the sun, yes, and not him just returning, but the sign of his church being raised up.

Ron Moore:

because, you're right, it's going to be the sun. And you're right, things in the world get worse and worse and worse, but it's only a better and better chance for the people of God to rise up and stand up. Yes, I love that. I mean the money, the wealth, the resources, the houses, whatever is out here.


God wants to bless us with these things, so that we can be a blessing to other people.


Yeah, and I think you know we're seeing the church start to get it. We're seeing the church start to get it and that's what I love, because I am not a church basher, I'm not a bride of Christ basher, you know. Yes, we've been immature in a lot of ways, but I'm seeing them start to rise up. And you know we had discussed earlier off the podcast about people like opportunity. There is opportunity for people of God to step into high positions, to step in some of these places. So if we stop segregating our Christian or spiritual side from where God's put us in the world and we start to incorporate that and we start to step up in that area that God's called us finding our peanut, you know, to go back to the beginning here and tie it together, there is opportunity right now for the people of God to rise up and to step in positions of power and that's an exciting thing.


It's just You're preaching. They love it. I'm just sitting back watching you do.

Ron Moore:

I have been told this story. It was a young man I met this week in one of these other services from this other younger church because I go to a lot of their stuff too and even speak with them and stuff. And this guy had come up from Tennessee, he's 28. And he spoke in our church briefly Sunday morning because he came in and we were having lunch together. This guy was took me in his own. I've never even thought about being in.

Ron Moore:

He was, we were talking this stuff and he was all excited and he said I am an exterminator for bugs. He's a pastor in a small church in Tennessee but I'm an exterminator. He said. I make phenomenal money, he said, because I know how the bugs are going to act and I know where they're going to go and when I walk into a house I can immediately look around and say you've got this problem and that problem. He said, and I can do it in half the time and people are just throwing money at it because we're doing a job and getting it really done. He said but I see in the spirit room when I walk in there. He said I can understand the pestilence in the house. Wow, he's using biblical terms. He said I prophetic. He said I've never met anybody like you in the world of weather or anything who even thinks that way. He's 28.

Ron Moore:

And I said that's because that generation is getting it. They're not afraid to step into the supernatural. We've always our age group has always been afraid. We always dabbled in it. Like you said, church, oh, I got a prophetic word and stuff. I'm like why keep it in here, why not take it out into the road, which we did, actually, I got to get by that, no credit. We used to take over the ditties down south after church. We'd have a revival break out there, two people getting saved, spirit filled, healed, everything. It was not contained in everything. From here on out, it doesn't even bother me, even our church building and I love it because we own our building Even if God had to take all the and I've already told my wife this in our leadership if God has to take all that away, fine, I'm willing to lose everything, because none of the stuff means anything. Revival isn't going to be in the church house, it's going to be all over the place.

Ron Moore:

It's going to go rogue, it won't be able to be contained anywhere, right, and that's going to happen. When people exterminate hairdressers, people that are digging ditches I mean all this other stuff when people had to dig a better ditch in a faster way. I mean all this stuff becomes prime and suddenly you're worth to buy cash flow. There'll be no problem paying people to do things because the money will be there to do it. You know, meanwhile, meanwhile, other systems will be crashing. So it takes me. We read Psalm 91 quite a bit and I always tell our folks remember, because it's in pieces in that chapter. You have to read it through. This person that dwells here is the only one who gets the rest of it.


The one and only secret place. He's the only guy who gets this.

Ron Moore:

If you're not there, you're going to be part of the whole plant problem. Right, but I said if you're there, if you're in the secret place of the most high, a thousand will fall here and 10,000 will fall here, but it will not come now. You, you'll be the deliverer, you'll be the person with the answers, instead of the person freaking out with everybody else. How's that not good news? I mean, that's you, you're called, that's right.


So what a motivation for believers in the last days to stand first in the secret place, finding that place with God and getting that intimacy with the Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit, and then being able to stand in where God's put them.

Ron Moore:

The platform stage and this is why I tell people yours may be in a garden, mine is next to an F5 tornado. Yeah, that might not give you peace and rest. I can't explain it except to God. The Father gives everybody a different little piece of DNA.

Ron Moore:

Yes, I believe, and we're all driven a certain way. I will go out on this late kayaking and I'll go out on the far end of it and just float. That is totally off. I'll float for two hours and just pray, have my Bible out there and just drift and I'll bang against the trees and float on the other side. I'm not even, I'm just drifting because that's not what I do At that time. I'm just zoning out and that's where God will really begin this in a different way, or zoning in Right it's and it's a different way. He's speaking to me there. Yeah, so we've got to and I've had to have that because, as you know, we're in New England. It's very different the challenges we've gone through here in New Hampshire with our family and church, and I mean all kinds of stuff. My wife's dealing with some. Her family's got medical issues in Florida, sadly, we believe everybody should be healed.

Ron Moore:

Right now that's not happened in some of those instances, so you're dealing with that. I need those zones to get with God, yeah, and know which one I need. I need to know do I need to be?


chasing a hurricane today?

Ron Moore:

or do I need to be on the far end of the lake just floating in the kayak in our very different worlds? Yes, but it's the same God speaking at a different level.


Yeah, I like it. So how can we use hurricane storms to propel us? You like that?

Ron Moore:

So I will share with Matt earlier. I've got these old books from the before the Civil War. They were written. What they were trying to do is how to avoid hurricanes, how to just get away from them, because what they were they called the law of storms. You could Google it and it'll show it, and those old books, and I've got all the originals from several different authors.

Ron Moore:

By the way, all these men, in general I think every one of them was a Christian, a believer, so they would go to Bible to get reference points and go to Bible to get certain you know directions and directives to go with. And so what they were trying to do because boats in the Navy, they'd be floating way out here, the waves, or capsizing everybody, or they got caught in the middle of the storm, and we know satellite radar, we can see them now. But back then they had to assume they spent like this. They had to assume there was a calm center called the eye. They didn't know this stuff. So what they began to figure out is if you could get in the eye and ride with the storm, you could be okay, kind of that's what they try to do in the old days, except if you didn't know where it was going.

Ron Moore:

You ended up and I've done that chasing. I'm driving with the eye. I've been in the eye wall many times and we would get stuck behind a tree or something in the eye wall, caught up with us and it starts tearing everything up around us. I mean it comes in like 30 seconds. It goes from calm, it gets really dark. It looks like a sci-fi. It gets really dark.

Ron Moore:

Yeah, oh yeah, on the bridges we've had that happen Crazy. So that wasn't working. So this guy finally Redfield, was the same he came with an idea. He said what if you get in the upper northeast quadrant of the storm and just ride it and let it push you and just ride the wave? So what the guys started doing coming from Africa or France or places like that, coming across the ocean, hurricane season, if they ran into these storms or using the wind vectors and stuff, they would get on the northeast portion or the upper front part of the storm and let it just push them.


As they're spinning.

Ron Moore:

Yeah, and they said they could make triple to four times the speed coming to America. And so they say fuel money, everything. So they learn to use the storm, the law of storms, oh, so they learned to use them, let's bring that around as believers in the last day, as leaders, ministers in the last day.


Yeah, there's hurricanes going on in the spirit realm, in the political realm, in Just about every realm and we don't have the control to make that go away or what.

Ron Moore:

So doesn't look the way we want to look. Yeah, right, right, right.


So so what.

Ron Moore:

So what I've done over the last number of years? I would watch these shows come on TV, like supernatural, all these other shows, and you're all like, well, all right. So I start watching someone. I said, well, of course they're pagan, they have all kinds of stuff I would. But then I start watching them. I said, maybe, maybe this is raising an awareness of spiritual things in the next generation that our generation just laughed off and what I found out the last few years? It has indeed. So I think we have a more. Even though this generation got so many problems you know sexuality all the way to what any number of things you can list I believe we live in one of the most spiritually sensitive generations ever. But on planet Earth.

Ron Moore:

I Really play that conversation yeah yeah, I really believe that and I believe that is gonna be. God's gonna take hold of that like crazy and you're gonna see it really will happen, because you and I probably said that over the years There'll be times God will use all these groups and everybody. Things can't get, say, people warlock and wizardry and all once they. In fact, in our church I got several people who used to be warlocks and witches and they're now spiritual Christians and they're getting powerful for God and they love that power part of it, and I think that's what you're gonna see and I think it's gonna be more than that.

Ron Moore:

It's gonna be like said bring in forth all the skills. What does this person do? You know engineering and things like that. I've actually got another friend who's a pastor he's not pastoring anymore, younger than me Built a company where they go into space and they repair satellites. He built the pieces that will actually, like robots, go into space and design I mean repair satellites. Just landed a contract.


He just went famous just very rich.

Ron Moore:

Last time I reached out to me, say we're making money hand to word I mean when I say money Hundred lots of millions. He's working with Elon now Elon Musk and his whole idea was he said, he said he said you the only one who believed in me here. Wow, this state. He was a head of a couple of our alliances. Very good guy. No one would talk science with him. So finally he just which is sad, he got out of ministry altogether.

Ron Moore:

Yeah, yeah, that's the focus is effort there, but he's. He's all over the world now he's going to the United Nations and everywhere he says I hope you do something with the weather because it still fascinates me with you do with weather. And I told Charlie so I need to resign my church now. I'm just kidding, don't everybody?

Ron Moore:

know the word people think that already every Sunday they say what are you gonna leave? You go stay here. I said, man, I'm not going anywhere, don't worry about it. But yeah, that that's people beginning to find their peanut. Yes, people begin to find their peanut. Now, him not pastoring a church that that's up to him he prayed about. But he'll still be ministering in the fields he works with exactly, and he's a fear fellow, he's a NASA. I mean my gosh.


God just increased his congregation.

Ron Moore:

He believes that he, but I used to. He was really funny too. So it was an interesting point. We're sitting one day at lunch, he and I, and he had a napkin laid out and he said here's what I'm trying to do with her Orbit, so we can't fix this problem. This is no joke. He said what would you do with this? And I said well, I would probably do this over here. Why is that there? Why don't you do this? And he goes oh my gosh. He gets on the phone, takes a picture, sends it to his engineer right there. He says Ron. He says you just saved us months, man, that's the ticket, that's exactly the thing to do it, and at first.


I was he was dead serious.

Ron Moore:

And then Charlene asked me. I told my wife and she goes what was it? I said I don't have a clue what I said. I don't have a clue what I said. It was just God using me at that moment to give him an insight into something that had nothing to do with me actually.


That's gonna be a part of it.

Ron Moore:

I mean so these things happen and you said something earlier, matt you will never do these things without confidence. You'll never do them. Everybody watch this right now has the full capacity to do all kinds of crazy walls. I forgot every one of you.


I don't know who you are.

Ron Moore:

I'm on what color you are, mayor or female, doesn't matter you say well, you don't know me. I live in this little you know Town in the middle of it, does not matter any of that stuff. None of that stops God. That stops you. You let God begin To use you and you know you can be on Facebook, post something, somebody sees, that grabs it and suddenly you're a success.


Overnight you don't know, but you'll never know unless you step out and really that's essentially hearing God and finding the right positioning in that upper Forward quadrant of the the hurricane I exactly right and God takes something that would take us years Yep or more money than we even have, and it's like it happens like that he can do it and yeah.


And that's that's how we have to think and that's how we have to be in these last days as believers. Yeah, we have to come to that point where we're hearing the spirit Getting in the right place, stepping out in confidence and and God's gonna take us there- so Lord, right now we pray for every person that's listening to this podcast.


Yes you will. The Holy Ghost will come right now and in flame, the burning ember cause to come into inflame, it cause it to Grow bigger, to burn like fire shot up in their bones. God, they've been crying out to you. They've been looking for direction, frustrated, overwhelmed, pulling hair out of their head, feeling like they're under attack, facing depression, fighting off anxiety.


Because right now, the Holy Ghost just calm and put a fire on those things, so much so that it becomes like the protective furnace where Shadrach, meshach and Abednego no man could go in once they were thrown in, could pull them back out, and it created a meeting place with you, lord, and the four of you guys had a talk and nobody could interrupt that meeting. So I pray right now that a, a fire comes that not only just protects but it also brings a meeting, a clarity to come, and an understanding and guidance, a Direction, an overcoming spirit to rise. That spirit of fear is gone. Right now, in the name of Jesus, on Of the unknown, that fear be gone. These situations around a person's life right now, the Circumstances and drama that's happening in family, in their business or in their community or their nation. I just pray right now an overcoming sense to rise up, a supernatural Encounter that is so real, it changes their life forever, that this is the thing that they've always dreamt about, about having this encounter with you, lord, and it put them on a new trajectory or it Propelled them forward through that sluggish water of their soul.


I speak peace in the name of Jesus. I speak a spirit of joy, because joy, the Bible says, is your strength and you need strength today. So I just released joy in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, just come right there, unlock the peanuts, just cause things to come together and we just thank you so much, lord, for Loving this person, calling this person, increasing this person. God, taking them out of death situations, situations of control, breaking off the limitation that others are trying to put on them. I just speak of freedom, lord, in the name of Jesus. Let it be right now, through Lord, amen, jesus.