5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter
5.0 Five-Fold & Beyond - Dr. Matt and Amy Carpenter
Spiritual Fathers, Sons, & Daughters
Imagine a world where spiritual guidance is as nurturing and empowering as natural parenthood. Reflecting on my own journey with a spiritual father who was also my natural father, I explore how these relationships help us unbderstand what truely is legacy. Spiritual fatherhood is more than guidance; it's about fostering a spiritual legacy and nurturing the next generation of believers with wisdom and love to fulfill what the Lord has put in their lives.
The scarcity of true spiritual fathers today poses a challenge to the church community. By revealing spiritual progeny and biblical genealogies, we discuss how spiritual fathers act as progenitors within the faith, passing down spiritual DNA that evolves with each generation. It's not about demanding servitude; instead, spiritual fathers should reflect the heavenly father's heart of giving. This conversation calls on spiritual leaders to create a lasting legacy that transcends personal recognition and ensures the kingdom of God's continuous growth.
Join me in examining the dynamics of spiritual father-son and daughter relationships, using varioius biblical accounts. I emphasize the necessity of relationship and pursuit, highlighting the roles of spiritual parents . This episode serves as an inspirational call to action, urging us to foster genuine connections and meaningful relationships. Sons pursue...
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Welcome to 5.0, fivefold and Beyond. With Matt and Amy In the 5.0 podcast, we're going to peel back the layers of the Ephesians 4 model revealing a thriving church, ministry or organization. This will help leaders to identify, work together and implement or raise up the believers who want to move in their calling.
Dr. Amy:We also offer seminars, conferences and strategic advising to pastors and leaders. We'll sit down with you and help you to learn how to have a five-fold influenced church or organization. Also how to identify and integrate people with five-fold giftings into your teams and into your organization. So connect with us at IHIMTVcom. That's I-H-I-M-T-V dot com.
Dr. Matt:So get ready to engage, as these podcasts will open an understanding, remove confusion of the fivefold and open your eyes and heart to what you and those around you carry and those around you carry. I'm going to minister something that's very dear to my heart because I had such an amazing spiritual father in my life. I'm going to talk on spiritual fathers. Sometimes when I do Father's Day, it's natural fathers and I thank the Lord for all that. You don't hear too much on spiritual fathers and I'm getting all my stuff together. I'm going to write a book on that. But I had an amazing spiritual father. He happened to have been my natural father. It's just the way that it worked out. But my dad was a spiritual father as well in so many ways. I mean he's still traveling the world at going to be 79 this year. I mean during COVID he was just like practically pulling. He could only do so much in his workshop and that was about it. He was ready. He loves the workshop, but man he needs to be and as soon as things started lifting off, boom. He was already on the planes going who knows where all this year already. So he was a spiritual father, because a lot of things that I've learned in my spiritual foundation came from him and I want to give him honor for that today. Thank you for that. And so many of you may have had spiritual fathers in your life and I want to open up a little bit of the dynamics between spiritual father and sons or daughters. Sons to me is an authoritative term, it's not a gender term, so, but I'll try to say sons and daughters just to help you all out. I think the dynamics of that is so important and we don't hear a lot about that unless you really are rubbing elbows with apostles, because that's what drives them. But there's amazing things about what spiritual father provides in your life that is so different, on a dynamic spiritually, than you've ever faced, and a lot of times many believers, as you know and we have faced many of them in our years of ministry, I've been doing this since I was 18, I'm 54, is orphans, spiritual orphans. People have great talents and gifts in their life, they have a call of God in their life, but there's this orphan thing about them, the rejection thing around them and the hurt issue that constantly pulls them down like an undertow in their life and they are forever battling to do anything in the kingdom of God, and so you know, if I'm taking that on today, so be it. I wasn't planning to do warfare, I just wanted to do some teaching. But when we are blessed to be able to connect with a spiritual father that can speak into our life not meddling, speak into our life on that level and impartation, come into our life, it's amazing what happens Now.
Dr. Matt:Jesus had 12 disciples, he had 120 in the upper room. He had 12 disciples, 72 disciples. He sent out people that wanted to be part of the teams and then he had 12 apostles and disciples and then three, and in each level of that spiritual father that was taking place, he was just not their teacher, rabbi, he also was a spiritual father and different levels were just naturally come about in people's lives. People make a decision to go only so close, come only so close. But those that came closer to Jesus received the heart of Jesus. Those that were farther out the 12 disciples they saw the works of Jesus and they could emulate the works of Jesus. He blew on them and the Holy Spirit on the Holy Spirit upon them and he said go, do. And they went out and they came back rejoicing that demons were fleeing from them, people were getting healed, they were doing the works of Jesus, but they didn't necessarily have the heart of Jesus.
Dr. Matt:And so there's that whole. Is there a right or wrong? I'm not, I don't know. There's that whole. Is there a right or wrong? I'm not, I don't know. I'm not saying so. I'm just saying if the opportunity was there to be able to sit at the heart of Jesus and get the heart of Jesus and be close to Jesus, I think I'd go for that Only because I've experienced what it's like to have a spiritual father in my life and tell me things sometimes that I didn't want to hear, and other times get said the things that I need to hear. There has to be an amazing balance of that. Sometimes we, paul, even recognized that and he said you guys got a whole bunch of teachers, but you don't have very many fathers. He's talking about the kingdom. You have many instructors but you don't have any fathers. They're very few. And so these thoughts, I think, just provokes further looking into it. And what's in your hand, I think, is what opportunity is there that are around you?
Dr. Matt:I'm speaking to spiritual fathers that are in this room and you know who you are. There's a bunch of you in here and you've been able to operate in that role and there's something satisfying about that. So let's go to Psalm 103, verse 13, if you would please, or I have it up here on the screen. You don't have to bow before me, son, it's okay. One of my spiritual sons and he has a great dad. Remember I preached on that. There's not a replacement value working here. It's another dynamic. So, just as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion for those who fear him.
Dr. Matt:So, obviously, when we're talking about spiritual fathers here this morning spiritual fathers of what? Well, it's a reflection of our heavenly father's heart, and spiritual fathers aren't perfect and spiritual fathers are growing, just like you. But it's about the relationship, and relationship brings a journey and in the journey, that relationship begins to form and all the sons and daughters have something to teach the father and the father has something that they can teach in part to the sons and daughters. Does that make sense? It's this dynamic, it's this going back and forth. It's not this I'm the boss, you're the employees relationship.
Dr. Matt:That's a wrong father model and I know people that have spiritual fathers that are like that Wrong model and they're just setting up for all kinds of things Wonderful, but I don't demand anybody to carry my notebook or my Bible to the pulpit for me. But I don't demand anybody to carry my notebook or my Bible to the pulpit for me. Now, if one had a real conviction of the Holy Spirit to do that, I'd let them. But I don't demand that Spiritual fathers don't demand things from their spiritual kids, because the spiritual father is a reflection of the heavenly father's heart and the heavenly father so loved the world that he gave, and he gave his only son.
Dr. Matt:To get many sons, a spiritual father always looks for reproduction, multiplication. So we have this big word called progeny, and that's why I named this, because it's a legacy word and it means descendants or to beget something. Do you read the first chapter in Matthew, and it's he begat this and begat this and begat that. Maybe, if you go back to one of the old Testament books you got, this is the father of this guy and this is the father of this guy and it's like there's a reason it's in there and it's to show that there's a pattern from God that it's important to have fathers and we live in a fatherless generation, natural and spiritual, and as a culture we don't recognize the need for a father, and so, as a result, there's this gap that's left in a culture, in society, and it comes over into the church. So these people get saved, but because they had no culture of fatherhood in their life, they come into church and have a hard time connecting with the heavenly father, let alone any spiritual father that's in flesh and bone, because it transfers and there's this working of the Holy Spirit that has to take place.
Dr. Matt:You and I think that. See, we think that when a person gets saved, all they got to do is come to church. Where did you dream that stuff up? Church isn't a pill. It makes it all right. This is just a gathering of the saints where we can come together and sit at the same table and the banner over us is called love. A lot has to happen. There's this whole transference from the king of darkness to light, isn't it? And so the heart of the father is trying to get through all that. Of what a culture? Don't get me going on. What culture is doing right now? Okay, but it's stripping away the very design of heaven for creation, and if you and I cannot see that we are blinded and we are deceived and have to ask the Lord to reveal to us, not for the sake of complaining I don't.
Dr. Matt:You often won't see me on social medias complaining without a solution. I'm not, you know. Say amen if you agree that the world is blah blah, don't, I don't hit like. I don't say that, I don't get involved in that. It's great to. Everybody has an idea of what our idolistic culture should be. In churches, everyone has idolistic ideas, what family should be like or our societies to be like, and it's this whole lot of bumper sticker type what I call bumper sticker theology that's put up but there's no solutions. Okay, well, what are you going to do about it? Okay, you got this on your social media. That's great, and you're everyone's liking and commenting and maybe even starting to fight or two. But what is your solution to it? What are you going to do about it? Well, next year at this time, I'm going to post the same one. When it's pride month, I'm going to have my eight color or my seven color rainbow instead of the six. Okay, where are you going with all that? You understand what I'm saying.
Dr. Matt:There has to be solutions and fathers are attracted to solutions. Because our children, physically and spiritually, is our legacy. It's our progeny, progeny, they're our descendants. A progeny, so, uh, what's what's the word for the one that's creating that progenitor would be the one your ancestor, the one that began your family line. God wants you to be progenitors in the spirit that when you're long gone from here, what you put into this earth still continues and still grows in the kingdom of God. And so for spiritual fathers, they are progenitors and every generation creates a new DNA added to the one that they receive from their spiritual father.
Dr. Matt:Does this make sense? And the kingdom is about multiplication. So it's not about confirmation or conforming to something. It's not about duplicating, and I'm to be like my spiritual father. I am who I am, but I have DNA of my spiritual father. The Lord does his work in me and I add it to me. And then, when I put it into my spiritual sons and daughters, now they have our DNA, but they also have their DNA spiritually, you understand, and it keeps multiplying and it actually becomes greater as the generations pass. So when my spiritual sons and daughters start speaking and raising up a spiritual son and daughter themselves, that is a generation that we sang about onto your generation's generation that's being passed on and there is everything that the work of God is doing in my daughters and my sons that is being combined with the work of God that's being done in their sons and daughters.
Dr. Matt:Think legacy, spiritual fathers. Think legacy, not because we get old and we want something to be left behind. Everybody remember us. We're not like the pharaohs of Egypt who need to have pyramids to remember that we even existed. It's what God put it within you, right, spiritual fathers, as in your, as God called you and your birth forth and then you bring, bring sons and daughters into the kingdom Let me put it this way into your life, not into the kingdom, into your life, that there's a deposit of something that's great and it goes beyond even.
Dr. Matt:And what fathers do is they send out invitations. So the heavenly father sent Jesus as an invitation to know what the father's heart is. And Jesus came. The Bible says he let down what was rich and he took on poverty. He set aside his divinity and took on flesh John, chapter 1, the word became flesh and dwelt among us and he came down. And there's the invitation from the heavenly father to get to know him by knowing his son Right. Everybody with me.
Dr. Matt:So fathers' hearts always make this approach. When they reach out to somebody, there's an invitation Fathers will go so far and then that's it. There's a line, because fathers aren't going to get into the mud hole with you, they're going to bring you out. Fathers always lift, they encourage you, they speak into your life in part. They want to their success. Your success is their success. That's the father's heart and the spiritual father wants to see you fulfill everything that god has for your life. But there has to be a line. But the invitation is there. You have to come and approach.
Dr. Matt:The Bible says come boldly onto the throne of grace. We're to come to God. He already came to us. It's a done deal Now. Every single day, every single time, who's coming where? See, it's fine.
Dr. Matt:When you first come into the kingdom of God and become a Christian, you got this little bell and every time you get in trouble and have a problem, you ring it dingy, dingy, dingy, dingy, dingy and God shows up. Right, we're just little baby kids and we don't even have it together and God's got to come and help us. You know, we're not going to let one of the little guys out there, jump on the snowmobile all by himself and go. Daddy or Mommy, get out there and start it. You know, I'm talking to the nettles back there. You know, get that snowmobile going, guys, the boys got it. What they do, they started already. Oh boy, some families are the exception and it always ends with a nettle. Anyway, I love it.
Dr. Matt:I think it was something that was passed down for the progenitor right. The progeny is like fast, loud, do it independent. The Father will do what it's necessary to make an approach for you to come. The invitation is there, come, come the opportunity. They create that. That's what fathers do. Matthew, chapter 11, verse 28,. Jesus said this come to me all who are weary, heavy laden, and I will give you rest. There's always a promise and reward when you come, understand If you're vulnerable. Spiritual fathers are going to create a place of safety so that when you come, you're going to feel what You're going to feel secure, right, spiritual fathers and Heavenly Father knows we just know because of dealing with you and loving on you and helping you.
Dr. Matt:I'm talking about spiritual fathers today, is that okay? There's a dynamic relationship. There are always dynamics in every relationship, and the dynamic between spiritual fathers and sons and spiritual fathers and daughters. One of those dynamics if you're writing notes, number one makes a way possible, but there's an element of the dynamic that has to be a response and that is that the sons and daughters have to pursue the little bell. You tinkle, tinkle, tinkle.
Dr. Matt:But then there comes a time in your life, as you grow up I'm going to finish that story as you're growing up in the kingdom of God, you're starting to get changed by the Holy Spirit in your life. You're growing up. As you're growing up in the kingdom of God, you're starting to get changed by the Holy Spirit in your life. You're growing up, you're being discipled. God says I'll take that bell now. And he takes that bell and he's the one that rings. I'm going to spend time with you. Ding ding, ding, ding ding. I have direction for you. Ding, ding, ding, ding. I see you're laboring really hard and you need something from me. And God's ringing the bell now.
Dr. Matt:In your life Sometimes we think we have a bell and we run around but it's empty, there's no sound. We wonder where God is. That's because he's got the bell and we're supposed to come to him. Jesus said come. Come to me is a word that speaks of pursuit, and any time in spiritual son and daughter dynamics with a spiritual father, there has to be a pursuit by the sons and daughters. If you want it, you're going to get it. You don't. We don't play games. That's just how it is. Because you're not ready, you're not available. Does that make sense? I'll keep opening this up. This may be easy for some. It may be hard for you to receive I don't know where you're at Because sons and daughters, at the end of the day, they want to emulate the father and those fathers want to propel them.
Dr. Matt:It's not that you become just like them. I'm not like my spiritual father, which is my natural father, obviously, because he's my natural father. I have kind of like some tendencies and characteristics, but I'm not just exactly like him, right, but you want to emulate them. They succeed in that area and if they opened a door for my success, I want to walk through that door. I don't want to despise it.
Dr. Matt:Okay, so sons and daughters that don't pursue their fathers become servants is a spiritual dynamic. That, jesus I mean. I'm telling you this is going to be. This can go on and on. I can be here for hours on this, but when Jesus was on the earth he talked a lot. If you read in the words already, he talks a lot about sonship, sons, and then he talks a lot about servants. And he told the sons to serve. But he didn't call them servants, he called them something more because of the dynamic of the relationship there. But the moment that a son and a daughter don't pursue the things that they should pursue and obviously is in that place of relationship with the father that we're talking about right now the spiritual fathers there is this dynamic where they just become servants to the spiritual father. Does that make sense? You remove yourself out as an heir and you just become as one who says whatever you say, I'll do it.
Dr. Matt:That's not the dynamic that a spiritual father is always looking for, not looking for servants. Jesus even said you know he was talking with some guys there and they were discussing that One of the Roman guys go, I have servants, I just send them wherever I want they go, do whatever. We have servants, few sons, and so there's a difference there and you wonder why certain things happen in the realm of sons than it does in servants, because sons receives a different anointing than a servant does, and it's all based on relationship. That's how elisha and elijah operated. Elisha, even though he came alongside of elijah, he actually became a son. He was going to have a double portion of a spiritual father. In fact, the bible school students told them, said amen, today your father will be taken from you, and they were lamenting this spiritual father of Israel and the horsemen will come and get blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Are you with me? These dynamics? There's a reason.
Dr. Matt:Something happens in these dynamics. When the sons don't pursue, they miss the power of their inheritance. The fathers are ready to give inheritance. That's how it operates. A spiritual father does not want to hoard. Keep it just to me. Those are immature, they are character flawed spiritual fathers. Because the spiritual father is what to reflect? The heart of the father, heavenly father, which is to give because of love. And love can only happen in a relationship, because that relationship is a container that will contain the outpouring of love from a spiritual father to a son or daughter.
Dr. Matt:Is this like the first time you guys ever heard any of this stuff? It's heavy duty, isn't it? But it's powerful and I'm trying to make it as simple and I only have a few minutes left as simple as I can. I'm trying to bring about the sobriety of this, the importance of it, the weight of it. This is how God multiplies his kingdom. I thank God for Bible schools. It does its part, but when you're at a Bible school, you need a spiritual father, because it can only prepare you for so much, and I've had both.
Dr. Matt:Great spiritual fathers let's keep moving are like the father and the prodigal son story in the Bible. The father's always waiting for the sons or daughters. They keep their arms and their hearts open all the time. Why, when you get a son that runs off, the spiritual father wants one to come and you have to have an open heart so they can return back to relationship. It's about returning back to relationship. Who gets to decide the terms of the relationship At that point? It's the son or the daughter. They're running off doing whatever they want to do and use the father's name for their own purposes, but there's no relationship with that. They've already dropped out of the inheritance level and they've already become a servant and they've become as one who eats among pigs. Right, this is powerful stuff, guys.
Dr. Matt:Let me tell you this the person who led you to Jesus is not necessarily your spiritual parent. But may I say this if they continued that relationship and brought you into the kingdom and they had that impartation in your life over the years, I would say yes. If not, they were a midwife in the kingdom and that's okay. God ordained midwives in the kingdom and that might be the street evangelist. That could have been somebody that came through an area and you responded to the call and you invited Jesus in your heart, but they were a preacher or they were somebody and they're off. You never had supper with them, you never even spent time with them. They're a midwife for you because I heard so many people. Well, this one, I think this guy he gave you know, he led me to the Lord, he's my spiritual parent, but you haven't heard from them and there's no voice at all for years and years. I'd say no. So I just want to set something right there. Is that okay?
Dr. Matt:Why do the sons and daughters have to pursue? Because when you pursue, your motives get purified. You can have parasites or protégés. Give me the protégés. The parasites will always, always leak out and pull things from you, but never give back to the relationship. They want your name. They want you to open doors for them. They want your anointings, they want the association. Well, I know him, aren't we great? We're sitting in the same table, you know whatever, and it's by association, but no relationship.
Dr. Matt:Preachers do this, some preachers do that. Let me put it that way. I don't. I don't have time for that, and it's an easy trap to get into. I don't have time for that and it's an easy trap to get into. Sons and daughters are meant to be protégés, not a parasite, and a parasite's like a consumer never, ever producing anything, never contributing to anything. And our society is filled with consumers because it has been tailored for marketing by corporations, to sell products. And we bring that into our family life, into our church life and our spiritual life and we become consumers and we feel like always looking for our purpose on the earth when God has plainly put it there. It's just. We haven't switched from consumer to a producer.
Dr. Matt:Jesus said give little and I'll make it much. You've got something and we got to learn how to tap into it. Let's go. Psalm, chapter 11, verse four. Everybody okay with me? Okay, let's keep going.
Dr. Matt:Psalm, chapter 11, verse four. It's up there when it comes. The Lord is in his holy temple. The Lord's throne is in heaven. His eyes behold and his eyelids test the sons of men. The Lord will test. He gets the motives out of us, the impure motives out of us, so that we are totally the heart of the Lord. Proverbs 17, 25,.
Dr. Matt:A foolish son is a grief to his father and bitterness to the one who bore him. I don't want a foolish son and daughter. Do you Spiritual fathers in this house? They don't want that either. And in fact we've cried many times, we've prayed many times, we've sacrificed many times for the benefit of our sons and daughters, our spiritual ones, because we don't count it as our own, because our legacy is in our son and daughter. Not the resources that I have. The resources I have equips my mission for my sons and daughters, but that's not my riches. My riches is found in my sons and daughters. Okay, proverbs 4, verse 1 to 4. Just give me five more minutes and then we're going to pray. A blessing on you.
Dr. Matt:Hear, o sons, the instruction of a father and give attention so that you can get some understanding, for I gave you sound teaching Don't abandon my instructions. When I was a son to my father, tender, the only son in the sight of my mother. I have to stop there for a moment. So here he is, he's going on and he's talking about to sons. He says listen to the words. All of a sudden he gives the secret. And the secret is to be a great father, you have to be a great son. The father knows what it's like to be a son and then he could treat his sons properly. Whoa guys, kingdom of god dynamics here at work, kingdom of god principles, and you wonder why sometimes we have a lot we miss if we miss these principles just about this. That's why we have difficulty in relationships and I'm just talking about spiritual fun, or spiritual fun, yeah, that's, it is fun.
Dr. Matt:Spiritual sons and daughters and father relationship. This goes in any, any level, because, see, a son knows how. This is what a son learns how to support a son, learns how to love a son, learns how to defend the father don't throw him under the bus and the father will do the same thing for them. That's what the son is learning. And so that's why he said, just as I was a son to my father, he's not being, he's not saying this tongue in cheek, being smart, of course, you're going to be a son Somebody had to bring you into this world. He was saying it to say I am what I am because I knew how to be the son to receive from the father.
Dr. Matt:Some of us might have had horrible natural fathers, but there's something that you took out of it. There are some good things, but often the pain hides a lot of bad things and if anything, at the end of the day you said, well, I don't want to be like him. But if that's your only driving force and you don't come to being healed, you will become just exactly like him. You see it every time. You see it in kids that say I'm not going to abuse my mom, my wife, when I get one, like dad's doing, but because of bitterness in their heart. They do the exact same thing when they get married. Why? Because something didn't not get married? Why? Because something was not transformed with inside of them.
Dr. Matt:How much blessing it is then when a spiritual father dynamic opens up for you. They can provide some natural father things too. Maybe God has a design in all things. That which was lost will be returned to you. Maybe your father's long gone, I don't know. Verse 4, he said he taught me and he said to me. Let your heart hold my words. So it's a heart thing, isn't it? The sons and daughters, you guys, it's down to your hearts. There are great things in store for sons and daughters. And I want to close with this A spiritual father wants to prepare a son and daughter to get great things, to experience great things.
Dr. Matt:I don't want to see anybody in pain. They're going to go through pain, but I don't want to see them in pain. When I'm leading somebody somewhere, I'm leading them to a good place. I don't want to lead them to the dump, you understand. So fathers have this. They prepare a place If you're writing notes. They prepare a place If you're writing notes. They prepare a place when they're all behind the scenes. You don't know what's going on. They're preparing a place to launch you. They're preparing a place to nurture you. They're preparing a place to be there when you need a landing site in the middle of chaos.
Dr. Matt:Psalm 45, 16 says In the place of your fathers will be your sons and you will make them princes in all the earth. This is legacy at its finest. The father steps aside and the prince steps up. Right there, the Moses sits down and the Joshua rises up. The Elijah steps off the scene and the Elisha steps into the rhythm. The process is complete. The heart of the father and the mandate of the spiritual father is completed when that happens.
Dr. Matt:Wonderful thing is, I don't plan to get out of here next week. I like to reduplicate this process with many. When one steps into their success, I got the next one and able to work with them. I don't want that one to be in. I don't want to be just the Elijah, elisha, just one, lord. Don't just give me one. Give me many, lord, give me many.
Dr. Matt:So with the dynamic of the spiritual father and sons and daughters, like that Elisha, elijah principle of anointing that I talked about, not only do you benefit from the wisdom of a spiritual father, their learning curve is shortened, headstrong. Sons want to do it on their own, but I'll tell you, the learning curve is so long. Why go through things you don't necessarily need to right? You're going to have your own problems as it is, let alone having to learn that, and the anointing and the influence will increase faster, accelerated into that next generation, because it's a kingdom principle of father, son, daughters. This is how this thing works.
Dr. Matt:Fathers last will improve themselves. I don't know it all. I go daily to improve myself. Why? So that I will permit the Holy Spirit to change me and to move in me and to mold me, so I can be the likeness of Jesus Christ as much as possible and I can pass on those traits into my sons and my daughter. I want to be able to pass on the supernatural into a dead world.
Dr. Matt:And if I'm not improving, I am limiting myself, thinking I know it all and this is where I'm at and I'm the big cheese, I'm the mocha grucho and you are just my little little ones and you do. As I say, the moment a father hits that place, he has removed himself from effectiveness, he has only got status and he no longer has power, he no longer has the voice. So here's what you're going to walk right If you're going home. Fathers improve themselves. Father makes a way possible. Number one. Number two fathers have to know how to be a son and they prepare a place. And four they improve themselves and be open to the Holy Ghost, because we are talking about spiritual fatherhood here, we're not talking about something foolish.
Dr. Amy:Hmm.
Dr. Matt:I don't want a surrogate father as a chameleon, one who takes that place but has nothing to pass on, there's nothing to draw. I'm called to carry your Bible. I'm called to just go do whatever. That's fine. That should come out of the son's heart, wanting to do all that different stuff. I'm just using that for an example. But those demands should not be from a heavenly or a spiritual father's heart, but that those demands should not be from a heavenly or a spiritual father's heart. The heavenly father doesn't even ask that. He just asks for your heart. It's. All he wants is your heart, because the heart is the seed of relationship and out of the heart is where the abundance of god flows. Lord, right now I want to speak over every person in this place, my sons and my daughters and many more to come, as well as the fathers that are in this place, my sons and my daughters and many more to come, as well as the fathers that are in this place and other spiritual fathers sitting in this room. I pray a blessing right now, god, that is the father's blessing, because there's something about the father's blessing that opens up heaven for us, and I speak of a father's blessing of belonging.
Dr. Matt:You always have children crying when fathers speak. That's prophetic, right there. Thanks for pinching them. And the Lord says not to get stumbling when you hear the baby's voices. And we're talking about those that the Lord is bringing right now from our communities into the kingdom of God. They're going to be making all kinds of noises and they're going to look funny and they're going to have all kinds of funny belief systems and they're all going to be filled with transgender stuff and all kinds of things that you may or may not agree with. And the Lord says don't stumble over that, because I want you to reveal the fathers are. You are called agape for a reason, says the Lord, and through this you are going to give love of the father. I am the one that transforms it, says God. I am the one that's going to touch the lies and you will be able to rejoice very, very much, for there will be a spirit of joy that will come upon this house because of the sons and daughters that I have spoken. Have I not spoken in the past of the isaacs that I will bring to this church, says the lord. Yeah, we've heard that like for 15 years here.
Dr. Matt:Lord says the times of isaacs are about to be birthed, the ones that I promised you are going to come. So know what it's like then now I'm just so know what it's like then now I'm just talking know what it's like then to receive heavenly Father love. I just pray, god, that that blessing will be here this morning upon every one of them. And God, that this Father's blessing will go into their finances and into their health, will go into their relationships, will go into their jobs and their workplaces. God, I pray right now. God, that influence will come, I pray favor will come upon them.
Dr. Matt:What the enemy means for evil, it will not be able. It is disarmed right now, in the name of Jesus. Any trap that is set to consume your mind and your emotional energy and your health, it is stacked, it is gone, it is activated. Way before you got there says the Lord and I just speak that upon you that this year will be a year of blessing for you, the things that you've been bringing before God, that you will find that he will move on your behalf. He will be pleased, and I pray that a fragrance comes off of every single one of you and reaches into the heavenly nostrils of God and you receive his approval for your life, his approval over you, his favor over you On another level you never experienced before in all your Christian life. Something new and fresh happens today, right now.